Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! A month or so ago, two friends and I played our very first game of Boarding Actions. As you know , I have been very excited about this game mode, it emphasizes all the things I love about Warhammer 40k: smaller scale, troop-heavy forces, strategic play, and it is dripping in atmosphere! We used one of the multiplayer missions from the Boarding Actions tome, a free-for-all between my Black Templars vs. Tyranids vs. my friend's currently unnamed Space Marine Chapter (which I have created a place-holder name for for the purposes of this story). As I have done a few times in the past , I have had a blast writing a short story inspired by our game. Please enjoy! *** The Cost of Knowledge The void-ship His Eternal Vigil drifted through the cold abyss, a shattered hulk of its former self. An ancient relic of the Dark Age of Technology, it had re-emerged from the warp with its hull cracked, engines dead, and augur arrays flickering like a dying candle...
To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them. - Grimaldus, Warhammer Wiki Welcome to your Friday Fix of The Art of Caesura! And happy St. Patrick's weekend! I hope you're having a great Friday - wherever you may be. Over the past month and a bit, here on the blog, we've been looking at Grimaldus and his Retinue. Today we're putting it altogether and checking out the final photos of these guys. One quick note before we dive in, if the photos look a bit different than usual, for some reason my photo setup let me down this time and various radiators, cots and other debris of dad life were visible in the backgrounds of all the photos, so I have tried to remove the backgrounds to greater or lesser success. Anyway, lets get cracking! I'm REALLY happy with how Grimaldus turned out. He looks pretty much just how I woul...