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Isla's First Birthday!

  Hello dear readers, welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Today is a very special day in our's Isla's first birthday! Our little ray of sunshine is one year old today and she already has her own personality! She is full of smiles and determined to keep up with her two older sisters.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISLA! I'll see you next week for another very special birthday...the blog's! Next Week: The Art of Caesura's 9th birthday!
Recent posts

"Brotherhood of Steel" - Sword Brethren - Finished!

The sword is an extension of your soul,  wield it with honour and respect. - The Way of the Sword  Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! I hope you are all safe and warm. We are having a cold spell at the moment in south-west Ireland. We've been snowed in for the past 2 days with no running water and it's supposed to get to -10 degrees Celsius tonight! Luckily we were well prepared and the kids are enjoying the snow days! Well, in two weeks time we have the very exciting celebration of the NINTH birthday of The Art of Caesura! And today we are seeing the conclusion of the past month and a bit of posts about my Black Templars Sword Brethren. Let's dive in and let the photos do the talking! I styled the Wolverine guy (dual lightening claws) kind of like a Space Wolf / viking - with his ginger hair and beard, so I gave him the fiery brazier to match.  The thunder hammer guy is just pure brutal. I kept him quite streamlined with no extra trailing purity seals or crusade seals a...

"You Have My Sword" - Sword Brethren - Part 4 (Painting a Power Sword)

It will cut. It will KEAl ( K eep E veryone Al ive). - Doug Marcaida Welcome one and all to the first post of 2025 on The Art of Caesura! I hope you have had peaceful and happy Christmases and New Yearses! Today, we're picking up from where we were a couple of weeks ago: painting my Sword Brethren. We've already looked at sculpting their hair , painting their armour, cloaks and faces . Today we're going to look at painting the Castellan's Power Sword! Above you can see where we'll end up, but let's look at starting off. I had never painted a sword like this before. With my previous power weapons, I would paint them silver and then maybe paint a bit of blue lightening around the power node. I wanted to make this guy's weapon stand out a bit more, he is a SWORD brother after all! I loosely followed the technique from Warhammer Plus' video on painting power weapons. I adapted it to the colours that I already had.  I started with a couple thin coats of Stag...

Happy New Year - 2025!

Hello hello fellow Caesurians! Welcome back to your Fridayly fix of The Art of Caesura! Okay after that lexicographically questionable salutation, I'll stop making up words. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (in a few days). 2025. Man, the years are flying by! I remember back in my day, yadda yadda yadda... Having kids, while making your body feel older, does help to make your soul feel younger. It's fulfilling to reminisce about Christmases and New Yearses of my youth through their eyes. Wait a minute, what's with all this sappy sentimentality!? I haven't even hit 40 yet, and longtime readers will know that, here on The Art of Caesura, we save the sappiness for a few weeks' time when we celebrate the blog's birthday! Today is supposed to be about materialism - past, present and future!! Namely, sharing some of the loot that is likely to turn up on the blog.  So, the big hobby news is that a few weeks ago I bought a 3D Resin Printer! A Saturn 4 Ultra, to be precise! My long-term...

Christmas 2024!

Welcome one and all to this, the most festive post of the year!! Each year around this time, we are revisited by some of the models featured on the blog in the past year. Let's see who's come to help us celebrate this year... Oh, and if you're looking for something else to do aside from gazing at festive pictures of my models, you can check out my Christmas Table Quiz from a couple years ago. Right here ! I am Krampus, Lord of Yule! Merry Christmas from Hel(brecht). Merry Christmas from Hell(boy). I'll have a blue Christmas, without you. Celebrating Candlemass. The ghost of Christmas past. Thank you for joining me, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I'll see you next week on The Art of Caesura! Watching: Based on a True Story Reading: Trench Crusade Lore Primer Next Week: Happy New Year!