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"Litany of Hate" - Terminator Chaplain Conversion - Part 3

Chaplains stride purposefully into battle, the boom of their oration audible even over the furious din of conflict. - Games Workshop Hello one and all, welcome back to another wintery Friday on The Art of Caesura! After half a year of awesome Hellboy miniatures, we left them behind a few weeks ago to start focusing on my Black Tempars again. Specifically, we've been looking at my converted Chaplain in Terminator Armour (who started life as a filthy witch - Terminator Librarian). Today we have the finished showcase! To say that I'm happy with how he turned out would be an understatement! I'm thrilled! I don't do much kitbashing or converting ( maybe the very odd head-swap ) so this was quite a big step for me. It helped that I really didn't like the official Terminator Chaplain, and that I wasn't really going to be using the Terminator Librarian, so that reduced the sense of risk. I think he looks nice and menacing! I do still oscillate on the head a little bit,
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"Hate-fueled Zealotry" - Terminator Chaplain Conversion - Part 2

Welcome back to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! It's hard to believe that we're well into October already!  As usual, I'm sending you loads of positive vibes, especially if you need them today.  Last week, we checked out my kit-bashed conversion of the Terminator Librarian into a Terminator Chaplain for my Black Templars. Today we'll look at the painting process of this guy. But, I did actually paint him back in May, so f or detail into the painting process that I use for all of my Templars, check out this evergreen post .  Knowing that this was something of a bespoke miniature, I was uncharacteristically thorough in my photographing of each step. I try to include the paint in the photo to make it easier to follow along. So we'll mostly let the photos do the talking.  Above you can see the finished product, and below you can see where we left off last week... I start by laying the browns into the crevices.  And then add the cool tones to the armour.  With the