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"Get Over Here!" - Scorpion

Hanzo Hasashi is dead. I am Scorpion.

-Mortal Kombat Mythologies

Welcome back to The Art of Caesura!

This week I have a special miniature to share with you - a Christmas present from my brother - Scorpion from Mortal Kombat!!

Mortal Kombat

My love of Mortal Kombat has been well documented on the blog. So what an unexpected delight it was to find that my brother had managed to track down a 3D printed mini from the game off Shapeways.

Mortal Kombat

This is the first 3D-printed model I have ever seen up close! The clear plastic used was cool and remained translucent even after the undercoat (but the layers of paint rendered it opaque).

Mortal Kombat

The Shapways site states the model is 3cm tall, which I guess from feet to eye-level is maybe about 25mm scale (I don't have a tape measure to hand). Anyway, I think he is the smallest scale miniature that I've painted (check out the final picture for a comparison with a Stormcast and Space Marine), which presented a fun challenge. 

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

This miniature is based off the MKX version of scorpion, so I pulled up this picture for reference: 

Mortal Kombat

Some of the smaller details (his face) got a bit lost in the printing process, but overall, there is a lot of nice detail in the many belts and baggy pants. I didn't have to sand the model or anything (as I've read is sometimes necessary with 3D printed models). 

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

From a black undercoat I started with the skin. There wasn't a whole pile of it, but I still approached it with my standard Eumelanin Skin recipe. I started with Cadian Fleshtone, shaded with diluted Reikland Fleshshade (1:1 with Lahmian Medium), then highlighted with a mix of Scale 75's Basic Flesh and Golden Skin, adding in more Pale Skin for his fingers and - you'll have to trust me on this one - face. 

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

With his skin complete, I painted the black pants and hood. I simply started from Abaddon Black and added more White Scar with a bit of Lahmian Medium for successive layers. 

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

For his iconic yellow I started with Averland Sunset (which I FINALLY bought after years of approximating with Yriel Yellow mixed with browns). I added a bit of Yriel Yellow to highlight the border. 

Mortal Kombat

His straps were Steel Legion Drab shaded with Agrax Earthshade and then highlighted by adding Ushabti Bone to Steel Legion Drab. The buckles were Leadbelcher highlighted with Runefang Steel.

Mortal Kombat

It's cool to own a miniature that doesn't really exist in any official capacity - it makes it feel a bit more unique. 

Below you can see the difference in scale between two popular Games Workshop miniatures. 

Mortal Kombat

Thanks again to my brother for gifting me this model! 

I'll see you all next week on The Art of Caesura!

Reading - The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai
Watching - Terminator: Dark Fate

Next Week:

Journey to Dunwall...


  1. I remember when you showed me that back in January and I thought it looked like something you'd get in a Christmas cracker! You have successfully transformed it into a high class piece of art. Truly amazing! I must tell Rory to check it out!

    1. Thanks! It was a fun challenge to work in a slightly new medium!


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