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Showing posts from 2025

"A Foundation for Faith" - Grimaldus' Base

FOR HELSREACH! Die on our blades! I am Grimaldus of the Black Templars,  and I will cast your carcasses from these holy walls! Helsreach - Aaron Dembski-Bowden Hi! Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! I'm sending loads of positivity your way, especially if you need it today! Today is our final work-in-progress look at Grimaldus before we gaze at him and his Cenobyte Servitors in all of their finished glory! The focus of today's post is actually something that I don't tend to spend too much time on with my Black Templars ( I think I burnt myself out on my Kharadron Overlords ): The bases!   The way I do my Black Templars bases now, is actually the second iteration of the scheme. I started with fairly generic desert bases, but then went back and re-based them using my current scheme - a red, iron-rich soil with pale rocks.  The in-lore reason for the basing style is that they're currently fighting on a mineral-rich planet, pseudo-inspired by the planet Crait (from Star War...

"Flags and Fluids" - Grimaldus' Servitors - Part 2

 ...His Cenobyte Servitors lurch to war at his side,  bearing with them holy relics of the faith. - Games Workshop Good morning, welcome to an unseasonably sunny morning in the South West of Ireland and here on The Art of Caesura! Over the past few weeks we've been looking at Grimaldus and Co. he's the head honcho when it comes to the Black Templars' spirituality (or I guess religiosity would be a more accurate term). Two weeks ago we painted the big man himself, and last week we looked at painting the marble on the Remnant that one of the Cenobite Servitors is carrying.  Today we'll return our attentions to Grimaldus' attendants as we look at how I painted the Servitors in general.  When I started on the iconic pallid skin of the Servitors, I looked back at one of my posts from a few years ago: X-101 from Blackstone Fortress  for inspiration, and then I remembered the two Servitors on Helbrecht's base  and I realized that I've painted a surprising number...

"For All the Marbles" - Grimaldus' Servitors - Part 1 - Painting Marble

Along with the Banner of Fallen Crusaders  and the Sceptre of Anointing,  the Remnant was taken by Reclusiarch Grimaldus,  from the ruins of Temple of the Emperor Ascendent  during the Third War of Armageddon. - Lexicanum Hello, and welcome back to The Art of Caesura! TGIF! Another Friday, another brief respite from the greater goings on of the world to focus on painting tiny dudes...or tiny masonry as the case may be! Last week I painted the legendary Grimaldus , and today we're starting in on his "friends". Grimaldus, the High Reclusiarch of the Black Templars is followed around by 3 poor unfortunate Cenobyte Servitors - folks who've had their brains lobotomized, their minds wiped and instilled with a singular carry Grimmy's tchotchkes. Next week we'll look at how I painted the servitors in general, but today I want to focus in on how I painted the marble effect on The Remnant of the Fallen Temple. I had seen others accomplish a pretty convincin...