FOR HELSREACH! Die on our blades! I am Grimaldus of the Black Templars, and I will cast your carcasses from these holy walls! Helsreach - Aaron Dembski-Bowden Hi! Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! I'm sending loads of positivity your way, especially if you need it today! Today is our final work-in-progress look at Grimaldus before we gaze at him and his Cenobyte Servitors in all of their finished glory! The focus of today's post is actually something that I don't tend to spend too much time on with my Black Templars ( I think I burnt myself out on my Kharadron Overlords ): The bases! The way I do my Black Templars bases now, is actually the second iteration of the scheme. I started with fairly generic desert bases, but then went back and re-based them using my current scheme - a red, iron-rich soil with pale rocks. The in-lore reason for the basing style is that they're currently fighting on a mineral-rich planet, pseudo-inspired by the planet Crait (from Star War...