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"Home-ward Bound" - Sir Daniel Home

It has been twenty years since spiritism's 
recognition by scientific bodies, allowing
the dead to serve as witness is legal matters.
Mediums often make a good living
by serving as host to spirits called to the stand.
But none can match the prowess of
Sir Daniel Home.

Sir Daniel's talents allow him to compel
a spirit to speak the truth,
a rare gift indeed.

Great to have you back for another week of The Art of Caesura!

Okay friends, I have to admit it: I've caught the bug again. The first 6 minis that I posted on this blog were from the fantastic Victorian horror-steampunk World of Smog board game. Since then, we've had a lot of variety with Malifaux, Age of Sigmar, Silver Tower, and Conan the Barbarian (in addition to the regular beer brewing features). But, after painting Master Fox last week, I've been working furiously on some of the other full-body sculpts of the characters from this world. 

After completing some of the bigger, more impressive (but also more time-consuming) models of my career thus far (The Mighty Megaboss and Maw-Krusha, and Kraken) it has been a great joy to return to smaller scale, character-filled minis that I can complete in a sitting or two. 

So, all this preamble is to say that (if I can keep the momentum going) I think I'm going to devote the next few weeks to these World of Smog minis (maybe with a beer-break in the middle to refresh things a little...)

This week, my favorite of these full-body figures: Sir Daniel Home!

The World of Smog

When I first saw the tiny picture of this add-on in the original Kickstarter I was sold! Compared to the appropriately static poses of most of the other full-body figures, Danny boy is leaping on a plume of aether-smog!

The World of Smog

I love the pose, I love the gas-mask with smoke coming out of it. I love it all.

The World of Smog

I didn't realize till afterwards that his cuffs and arms were supposed to be the same material as his jacket. When I was painting the mini I was thinking that they were mechanical like his hands - it made more sense to me, because his hands were so whopping big, it didn't look like they would fit through those cuffs. Anyway, no big deal. 

The World of Smog

I painted the smoke starting with a base of Ushabti Bone, washing with Seraphim Sepia and Agrax Earthshade in the crevices before highlighting up through to Skull White. Finally, I gave it multiple thin washes of Biel-tan Green. 

The World of Smog

A little detail that I like are his eyes. I painted them the same way as I did for the bust of Colonel Steel all those ages ago (The first model I ever posted on this blog! I actually had the bust in front of me to copy it) before adding gloss varnish over each lens. 

Tune in next week for more Smog on The Art of Caesura!

Listening:Traveling Light - Leonard Cohen
Watching: The Expanse - Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby
Reading: February White Dwarf

Next Week:

A bagpiped double-amputee...


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