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"Sneaky Git!" - Grot Shaman

Grot Shamans are especially sneaky,
often concocting outrageous lies
about being personally chosen by Gorkamorka
for greatness, and zapping anyone
that says otherwise

And we're back for another Friday filled with joy, laughter, and fun minis over here on The Art of Caesura!

So friends, through the vagaries of the warp (as the White Dwarf folks would put it) this is the model that has existed the longest in the limbo state between being painted, getting photographed and then getting posted on here. I usually keep pretty "live" with this stuff - posting the minis that I have completed in the previous week, but sometimes I try to build up a bit of a backlog if I anticipate busy times ahead. After I painted this guy I went to Warhammer World and then started painting models from the Conan board game and presenting this poor little goblin to you kept getting pushed further and further back. 

I painted this guy BACK IN NOVEMBER - so the poor little bugger has been sitting on my shelf (and causing mischief in the Silver Tower) for the past FIVE MONTHS! I actually do remember painting him. I had a lot of idle-time while I was painting the mighty Maw-Krusha, waiting for washes to dry and the like. And so over the course of a few such idle-times I busted this guy out and what a delight he was!

Age of Sigmar

I really love this little guy. As I have railed on about in the past, I came into warhammer around 5th / 6th edition. I loved the multi-part Night Goblin box-set and, though it was much better value, I have never been a fan of the wave of Night Goblins (or Moonclan Grots) that were introduced with Battle for Skull Pass. They are too stiff and 2-dimensional for me. I still have the whole goblin half of that starter set on the sprues awaiting some love. 

Age of Sigmar

Something I thought was strange, was around this time Goblins lost their finger-nail talons. I know it seems like a small detail (or ten small details) but as we know, our eye is drawn towards a model's face and then to their hands - hence why we often give these areas more highlights. Even the wonderful Skarsnik's fin

Age of Sigmar

This model felt like a real return to form for the goblins. I LOVE his femur and skull mortar and pestle! He has lots of nice details on him (including fingernail-talons), and not least of all his sculpted base. Of course this base was originally a square, so I cut the edges off, stuck it on to one of my spare Malifaux rounds and green-stuffed the rocks out to the edge of the base. Once I had painted him, I strategically stuck clumps of grass to mask the border of where my green-stuffed rocks and the sculpted one met.

Age of Sigmar

Age of Sigmar

And the blighter is even scoring half-decently over on CMoN:

Age of Sigmar

I hope you liked the little Grot Shaman. I'll see you right back here next Friday on The Art of Caesura

Drinking: Kerry Lane - Cotton Ball Brewing Company 
Reading: Sapiens - Yuval Noah Hurari
Watching: Get Out - Jordan Peele

Next Week:

From cunnin' back to brutal...


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