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"Hugster" - Malifaux Abomination

Experimentation with machinery
and dead bodies has existed in Malifaux
since before the first Breach to Earth opened.


Hey folks! You're in the right place for another Friday on The Art of Caesura!

I'll preface this post by saying, some Malifaux miniatures are pretty twisted! Personally I love it! Don't get me wrong, I know that Games Workshop has models with their guts hanging out, bodies impaled on spikes, cannibals and scantily clad folks; but the way their miniatures are stylized makes them not seem quite as dark as Wyrd's Malifaux miniatures. That's my opinion anyway. 


Without turning this into the whole crux of this post, I totally understand GW's marketing plan - they still heavily utilize brick and mortar shops, and while their games may not specifically be marketed at kids, they want to create an environment where parents feel comfortable bringing their kids. Having boxes of abominations with open metal rib-cages of gore (which we'll be looking at today), or drug addled prostitutes (The Beckoners, which I own but have yet to paint) would not quite foster such an environment. 

Is that wrong? Is it right? No! It's just that GW is going for a broader market appeal. So long as I have alternatives to turn to (like Wyrd, and CMoN's World of Smog for example) I'm a happy hobbyist!

Now, on to today's miniature, the Abomination I've affectionately named "Hugster":




I think Wyrd has done a great (horrifying) job with all of these abominations! The first Malifaux mini that I ever painted was one of these guys: Ol' Sawhawk. Then came Headly and now Hugster. They all have a strong aesthetic, being an amalgum of machine and corpse, nicely in keeping with their "abomination" status.


I almost managed to put out a Malifaux post without mentioning the building process. Anyone who has built a Malifaux mini will know that these beautifully detailed miniatures are not the easiest to put together, and the way they're cut up on the sprue is often far from intuitive. For example, Hugster's jaw and tongue were a separate piece from the rest of his head! 



As you can see, after carefully detailing many of his muscles and organs, everything was liberally obscured with "Blood for the Blood God" (obviously, my favourite paint).


If you were pleasantly disturbed by this, tune in next week for another dose on The Art of Caesura!

Reading: Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert

Next Week:

Slither, slither, clank, clank...


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