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"The Grim Darkness" - Black Templars Intercessor Marine

War was always here. 
Before man was, war waited for him.
The ultimate trade 
awaiting its ultimate practitioner.

Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West - Cormac McCarthy

Hello one and all, and welcome to The Art of Caesura!

We're sticking with the 41st millennium today to look at a prime specimen of a Space Marine. Long time readers might know that my 40k loyalties lie with The Black Templars. I had a huge army: Land Raider Crusaders, attack bikes, The Emperor's Champion (one of my favorite models ever) even a librarian (and for those in the know, that was a huge no-no amongst this fanatical chapter, but the model was just too cool). 

When the new Primaris Marines released the other month, I knew I wanted to give 'em a whirl, and the choice of chapter was an obvious one!

Black Templars

I know that in the lore these Primaris Marines are shiny and knew, but being covered in purity seals and scraps of cloth and the like are so characteristic of Black Templars. I found a middle ground, I used some bits (head, backpack, left shoulder pad, lantern/censor, right-ankle purity seals) from the excellent Black Templar upgrade box but I managed to restrain myself from adding any battle damage.

Black TemplarsBlack Templars

I used to paint my Black Templars with red eye-lenses and highlight their black armour with a gradient of greys. I also used to glob on thick layers of (skull) white for their pristine shoulder pads. I wanted to try a more "modern" approach with this guy.

This time 'round, rather than using grey to highlight the armour, I used Incubi Darkness and then mixed in The Fang and then white for successive highlights. 

Black Templars

I really like the look of the bluey-green highlights, and think they look really good against the creams of the purity seal ribbons. 

Black Templars

The text on the various purity seals and scraps of cloth was done by mixing Abaddon Black and Ushabti Bone in about a 1:3 mix and then instead of using water or medium to dilute it, I used a few drops of Agrax Earthshade. Looking at the finished product, I think the text on the cloth on his backpack looks the best - it's the most faded. 

Black Templars

Black Templars

Painting the details was a lot of fun on this guy. I painted his eye lenses yellow (with a lick of gloss varnish) and also used the same fiery yellow for the lantern hanging from his belt. I kind of regret the placement of his head. The head I used is one of my favorites because It has a ventilation hole in the shape of the Maltese cross on the left side, but I was trying to have him looking the direction he's holding his gun so now you can't really see the cross. If I'd kept his head facing forward it might have been more visible. 

Black Templars

I couldn't find any of my decals, so I left his right shoulder pad white. I did give it a focused wash of Seraphim Sepia around the edges of the white. 

Black Templars

Black Templars

Moulded bases are a mixed bag for me. I love the variety, and sense of story they create (with minimal effort) but they can run the risk of distracting from the actual model. When I started painting this base, I realized that it really has it all: different types of stone, metal, a bone, a scrap of a banner...I got a bit over excited by painting all of these various components different colours but then compensated with heavy washes of Agrax and Nuln Oil. 

Black Templars

And there you have it! My first Space Marine in several years and my first go at  a Primaris Marine. I really do like the new proportions and I think they look fantastic as Black Templars!

Keepin' it fanatical on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Gotham season 3
Reading: Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom

Next Week:

Back to the future...


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