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"British Bulldog" - Winston

You will never reach your destination
if you stop to throw stones
at every dog that barks.

~Winston Churchill

Welcome back to your weekly fill on The Art of Caesura!

This week's mini is tiny...even by miniature standards! It's the stalwart little bulldog from The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch, Winston!

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

For reference when I was planning my painting of this guy, I just popped "bulldog" into google and came up with this:

It almost looks like the artist used the same image for reference!

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

I started by painting the whole guy Skrag Brown - it's a new colour for me and is a nice yellow-brown, compared to the red-brown Doombull brown that I usually use. 

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

 After the brown, I washed him with Agrax Earthshade. I'm happy with how the highlights turned out (Skrag brown with a bit of Yriel Yellow added), I tried to keep them pretty smoothe. 

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

Once the Agrax was dry and the highlights were complete, I cracked on with the white patches. I was going to start with Ushabti Bone and work up to white, but if you notice on the real dog, the delineation is pretty stark, so I just flew ahead with a few layers of White Scar - being careful to get his paws, belly, snout and forehead.

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

Then a few details: I painted his muzzle with Scale 75's Basic flesh, though it's such a small area, that any fleshtone would do. 

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

A bit of diluted Abaddon Black on his ears, eyes, and around his snout and he was pretty much done. 

The World of Smog Rise of Moloch

His cute little gasmask was really quick. Starting with Steel Legion Drab, I darkened it down with Nuln Oil before picking the details back out with Steel Legion Drab. I painted the lenses with Stegadon Scale, did the obligatory white lens-reflection dots, rimmed them with Hashut Copper and covered the lenses with gloss varnish.

More World of Smog next week on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Hopefully see Avengers or Deadpool this weekend
Reading: A Gentleman in Moscow - Amor Towles

Next Week:

Alan Moore in the house!!


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