An underworld of corrosion. A kingdom of decaying metal... - Necromunda Website Welcome back to the deep, dank confines of The Art of Caesura! I hope you enjoyed last week's first look at my first Necromunda gang: The Unkindness. This week we're going to look at how they're based. Every so often (quite frequently, for me) you just come across something so awesome that you're like "I have to remember that!" such a thing happened to me at Warhammer Fest. Amongst the Golden Demon displays was the Necromunda gang below. Obviously the gang was converted and painted to an incredible standard (though, of course my camera was fuzzy - I have since got a new phone, you'll be happy to hear), but what I really loved was the base! Without trying to totally replicate it, I used the display as inspiration for the bases of The Unkindness. I really loved the shade of pale green that was used (which, conveniently for my raven-themed gang, is...