The Panzer name is a German word that means "armour". It derives through the French word pancier, "breastplate", from Latin pantex, "belly" - Wikipedia Welcome back one and all to The Art of Caesura! I hope you've all recovered from the blog's 6th birthday party last week ; if you haven't had a chance to check it out yet...I'll wait right here. Okay, re-jazzed? Great! So, you might have noticed a rather large "mini" at the end of the birthday post; indeed, it was the blog's birthday present! Today, we'll be looking at that very miniature: Reichbusters' Vrilpanzer! Just like last year's Shrieker , this guy is another big bruiser from Mythic's Reichbusters. Completing him was a fun exercise in speed painting, but we'll get there. Let's start with prepping the model. I started by indenting and then drilling the gun barrels. Not shown here, I later decided to further enlargen the barrel holes just by po...