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Showing posts from July, 2024

"The Secret Flame" - Liz Sherman - Part 2

"Pyrotechnic abilities first manifest at age 11. Resultant fire leveled one city block..." Hellboy: Seed of Destruction Hi! Welcome back to The Art of Caesura, your weekly happy hit of miniature painting from the South West of Ireland! Last week we looked at my struggles and successes painting Liz Sherman from Hellboy: The Board Game, today we'll look at the finished result! I mentioned last week , that I'm really happy with how she turned out in the end, and I'm even more so now seeing her under the atmospheric lighting. I have said before that some models just photograph better than others with my set-up ( and some look worse in the photos than in real life ) - Liz is one of the former. The dark background really accentuates her flames, happily so, as I laboured on them for ages. I think these photos show how the fire stands out nicely against the muted browns, blacks and greys of the rest of her.  I hope you have enjoyed these two weeks of Liz Sherman. We'...

"Firestarter" - Liz Sherman - Part 1

In the dark I heard your voice... - Liz Sherman, Hellboy (2004) Hello everyone and welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Today we continue our look at miniatures from the Hellboy boardgame with the pyrotechnic: Liz Sherman! This is a model that I actually struggled with a bit but I pushed myself, and learned in the process. I don't paint a ton of OSL (object source lighting) and I don't use my airbrush enough to be totally confident with it but these were two things that I really wanted to employ for this model, so let's dig in! Knowing that I wanted to make her left hand really glow, I knew that OSL would help to sell this effect. So I started by blocking in all of the base colours, with the plan of painting the glow of the fire over them.  I used Black Templar for her shirt, glove and pants and painted her skin with Guilliman Flesh.  I painted her hair and boots with Wyldwood, and her belt with Snakebite Leather. These are the same colours that I have used across the agents...

"Rotten Eggs and the Safety of Mankind" - Abe Sapien - Part 2

Abe Sapien :  Behind this door, a dark entity. Evil, ancient and hungry. Hellboy : [sighs]  Oh, well. Let me go in and say hi. - Hellboy (2004) Well well welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Last week, we looked at painting Abe Sapien from Hellboy: The Board Game. Abe is a great character. His cold, analytical aura is the perfect foil for Hellboy's fiery passion.  In the game, Abe is one of the better ranged characters, able to throw his harpoon for some tasty damage.  In the comics, Abe is more of a green tone, while in the films he's more blue, so I went with teal - a happy medium! I'm really happy with how the Aethermatic Blue over the greens makes him look almost luminous or iridescent.  I'm really happy with how the model turned out. As I mentioned last week, that teal was really fun to paint and turned out nice and vibrant. As a group, these Hellboy agents will look nice and eclectic on the tabletop while still being unified by their vests and pouches bei...

"Icthyo Sapien" - Abe Sapien - Part 1

It should be a very simple operation, Abraham - Abe Sapien: The Drowning Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way, especially if you need them at the moment.  Unlike Roger the Homunculus, who we have been focusing on these past two weeks, today's character is likely quite well known even amongst casual Hellboy fans: it's Abe Sapien! Where Roger just had a small cameo in the Guillermo del Toro films (powered-down in the background of some shots), Abe is one of the main characters! He's named Abe because when he was discovered in a stasis tube in the basement of the B.P.R.D. headquarters, there was a handwritten note on the tube saying:  Icthyo Sapien, April 14, 1865” (the day that President Abraham Lincoln died) Apparently his own spin-off comics reveal Abe's origins, but I haven't got there yet, so no spoilers! Regarding the mini, I was really excited to paint teal. I never paint teal. I remembered, when I got my Kimera Kol...