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Showing posts from June, 2022

"Putting the 'Fan' in Fanatic" - Black Templars Merch.

We are the flame that leaps from the brazier's heart. We are the inescapable blade of vengeance. We are the oath-sworn and the unmerciful. The heretic, the mutant the alien and the unbeliever -  we bring judgement to all. We are the Black Templars, and in the name of the holy God-Emperor we bring death. - Black Templars Codex Supplement Welcome one and all to The Art of Caesura! So, this is kind of a different post today. I was hoping to be able to share the climax of our Blackstone Fortress campaign (over two years in the making) but...well...we actually didn't get it finished yet, so we'll postpone that for another time. Instead, I want to share with you how fanatical I am about my Black Templars. I am (very slowly) painting up a new primaris army after owning a somewhat sizeable army of Black Templars in 3rd edition. I have currently painted my Marshal and one Sword Brother (hey, you gotta start somewhere).  Buy anyway, being a rabid fan isn't just about collecting ...

"Death to the False Emperor" - Obsidius Mallex - Part 2

The architects of the edifices known as  the Blackstone Fortresses remain unknown.  All analysis of their materials and construction methods  has proved inconclusive.  Attempts to date them vary massively  between seventeen thousand years old  and three hundred thousand years.  They have remained dormant since  their discovery in the second millennium  of the Emperor's divine rule. - Warhammer 40k Wiki It's Friday! That means another installment of The Art of Caesura! I'm now back from New York, and my parents have joined us in Ireland from Canada for a month and a half. Life is good! Today is the last showcase of the final miniature of Blackstone Fortress! If you haven't yet checked out last week's post, I urge you to do so - wherein you'll find the work-in-progress shots and discussion for today's model: Obsidius Mallex! As I mentioned above, I detailed his painting process last week, so today let us take in his dark majesty! And a few clos...

"Rage in the Darkness" - Obsidius Mallex - Part 1

The power of the fortress is mine to command! - Obsidius Mallex Welcome one and all to The Art of Caesura! Thank you, as always, for checking out my blog. I don't say it enough, but it is your engagement that inspires me to take and post these photos of my minies - rather than just keep them squirrled away in their boxes. So thank you again! Today, is a very special day, both for me and the blog. I am currently flying to New York (for the first time) to attend my uncle's wedding! For someone who used to travel quite a bit, it's my first flight in years - since before kids or COVID!  In terms of the blog, today is the first post of the last mini in Blackstone Fortress! After this guy, I will have shown you every single painted miniature in the game! All 44! It only took me a few years! I knew from the beginning that I wanted to save showing you this guy for last - because he's kind of the big baddie in the game! So, while last week's Espern Locarno was the very last...

"The Third Eye" - Espern Locarno

  I am the gateway to the stars. - Espern Locarno Welcome back, adventurers, to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! Today is a bit of a special one, it's the last hero (and indeed the last model) that I painted for Blackstone Fortress. There is, however one final model to reveal after today's post...But today, we're looking at the Imperial Navigator, Espern Locarno. Espern has the dubious honour of being the only explorer that my wife and I (and parents who popped in for one session) have never used during our whole campaign (which has been running VERY intermittently over the past two years or so). But don't get the wrong idea, it's one of those "it's not you, it's me" situations, where I had painted many of the other heroes so wanted to use painted models.  I think Espern, and indeed the idea of Imperial Navigators, is pretty cool. In Warhammer 40k, Navigators are people with the mutation of a third eye in the middle of their forehead. But it...