We are the flame that leaps from the brazier's heart. We are the inescapable blade of vengeance. We are the oath-sworn and the unmerciful. The heretic, the mutant the alien and the unbeliever - we bring judgement to all. We are the Black Templars, and in the name of the holy God-Emperor we bring death. - Black Templars Codex Supplement Welcome one and all to The Art of Caesura! So, this is kind of a different post today. I was hoping to be able to share the climax of our Blackstone Fortress campaign (over two years in the making) but...well...we actually didn't get it finished yet, so we'll postpone that for another time. Instead, I want to share with you how fanatical I am about my Black Templars. I am (very slowly) painting up a new primaris army after owning a somewhat sizeable army of Black Templars in 3rd edition. I have currently painted my Marshal and one Sword Brother (hey, you gotta start somewhere). Buy anyway, being a rabid fan isn't just about collecting ...