Hellboy...remember, I'm not really human. - Roger the Homunculus Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Hey Caesurians, I hope you're doing well! I sure am, but man, I'm tired. At time of reading, we're on our way to the west coast of Canada to one of my oldest friends' weddings - it's our first time travelling as a family of 5, with 3 kids under five. Wish us luck. And, on that note, a very Happy Canada Day to you on Monday, it'll be nice for us to be in B.C.'s capitol city to join in the festivities! Anyway, there's a lot going on outside the Caesura - so it's nice to take this little weekly pause to escape in to the immersive hobby of miniature painting. I hope you enjoy it as I do. Today, we're following up from where we left off last week with Hellboy's buddy, Roger the Homunculus. I mentioned last week, that Roger is quite an interesting character in Hellboy. He plays on the tradition of homunculi as being like sponges, able to abs...