Twisted creatures of Chaos, Preyton are hateful and cunning beasts that delight in carnage for its own sake. Wreaking havoc with poisoned fangs and serrated antlers, they crash into their foes before devouring any survivors foolish enough not to flee. - Monstrous Arcanum, Games Workshop Hello fellow Caesurians and welcome to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! Today I have an awesome miniature that I'm really excited to show you: Forge World's Preyton. The Preyton is clearly based on the Per yton, which was a creature devised by Jorge Luis Borges in his "Book of Imaginary Beings". I would recommend giving the book a gander; while written in 1957, it's in the style of a medieval bestiary. In it, he describes Perytons as the twisted creatures that they are (part stag and part bird) but even more unheimlich is the fact that they have the shadow of a man...that is until they kill a human, then their shadow beco...