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Showing posts from August, 2020

"Stalking the Woods of the Old World" - Preyton Part I

Twisted creatures of Chaos,  Preyton are hateful and cunning beasts  that delight in  carnage for its own sake.  Wreaking havoc with poisoned fangs  and serrated antlers,  they  crash into their foes before  devouring any survivors foolish enough not to flee. -  Monstrous Arcanum, Games Workshop Hello fellow Caesurians and welcome to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! Today I have an awesome miniature that I'm really excited to show you: Forge World's Preyton.  The Preyton is clearly based on the Per yton, which was a creature devised by Jorge Luis Borges in his "Book of Imaginary Beings". I would recommend giving the book a gander; while written in 1957, it's in the style of a medieval bestiary. In it, he describes Perytons as the twisted creatures that they are (part stag and part bird) but even more unheimlich is the fact that they have the shadow of a man...that is until they kill a human, then their shadow beco...

Saoirse's First Birthday!

Hello one and all! Come join in the birthday celebrations on The Art of Caesura! No, it's not the blog's birthday , that's not till January. Instead, we're celebrating the first birthday of my daughter Saoirse ! It's incredible to realise that our little girl is one today; and what a first year it has been! It's a weird world to be born into at the moment, and a weird world to be a first-time parent in, but we're just doing our best to bring even a fraction of as much joy into her life as she brings into ours.  Her fairy godmother even wrote, recorded and filmed a song for her birthday! So I guess all that's left to say is:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAOIRSE!! Thanks for all of your birthday wishes!  I'll see you next week on The Art of Caesura!

"A Very Serious Review" - Bizzy Bear Zoo Ranger

Welcome to Happy Zoo 'Bizzy Bear Zoo Ranger' - Benji Davis  Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, welcome to the Art of Caesura! Today I have a post that is very different from any that I've written before in the four and a half years of this blog's existence. As a new dad and past English Major, I thought it would be fun to flex both muscles and undertake a proper literary analysis of a children's book. Today we shall endeavour on a close reading of "Bizzy Bear Zoo Ranger" Bizzy Bear Zoo Ranger   (sic - lacking a colon in the title) There is something wildly dystopian about a world where anthropomorphized animals cage other animals for their own viewing pleasure.  It hearkens back to the Victorian Era, of places like Bedlam and the sideshows where, for entertainment, people would go to leer at other people caged either by physical bars or by social mores. Such is the setting in which we find ourselves in "Bizzy Bear Zoo Ranger...

" A Crushing Terror" - Warhammer Underworlds Solo!

Warbands caught in the maddening cycle  of the Katophrane curse are destined  not only to live out a half-life  of soulgrinding immortality  but also to do battle against foes of all kinds... ~ Games Workshop Last week we looked at my very first Warhammer Underworlds deck that I had made in The Before Times. Updating and publishing that post inspired me to actually get my Warhammer Underworlds models on the table and have a go at the Solo Campaign that Games Workshop published on Warhammer Community a few weeks ago .  For those who know how to play Warhammer Underworlds, this campaign is necessarily very different from the standard game: It's single-player, you play against A.I., you only use one board, you don't use an objective deck etc. but the mechanics (how you move, attack, use ploys / upgrades and all that good stuff) is pretty much the same as the core game, with a few tweaks.  This mini-campaign is split into three different games, e...