Rejoice in Faith! Here comes the Unforgiving Chaplain - not for absolution, but for Punishment! - Artel W Welcome back one and all! It's Friday, which means it's time for The Art of Caesura! As you read this, I will currently be at Warhammer Fest! WooHOO!!! Despite the 4am start, I'm sure to be having an amazing time. The last time I was lucky enough to attend Warhammer fest , was for the launch of Contrast paints. It is still my most read blog post! I'll try to jump in with a sneaky extra post to tell you about the convention (the headliner being the release of 10th edition of Warhammer 40k), so keep your eyes glued right here, to The Art of Caesura! Last week I painted my first white Space Marine, so this week let's re-balance things with one that's all black! From the moment I saw this model I fell in love with it! It is basically an alternate sculpt Primaris Chaplain from Artel W. I MUCH prefer it to the current Games Workshop one (though I did like th...