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Showing posts from November, 2020

"Up, Up, and Away!" - Skyriggers - Part I

These skyborne, science-wielding duardin ply the skies in gun-laden ships in search of plunder and profit - Games Workshop Ahoy-hoy and welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Although last week's post may have seemed out of the (deep) blue (sea), long time readers might recognize that the subject matter for today's and last week's posts are actually very closely connected... Anyway, crypticness aside, today we're looking at the Skyfarers that I've been working on for the past few weeks. Today we'll be focusing on my near miss with insanity that was magnetizing these guys and painting them. Next week we'll have a grand unveiling of the finished dudes! If I ever get to play Age of Sigmar, I'd like to be able to use my Balloon Boys as either Skywardens (because they look cooler) or Endrinriggers (because they're better in the game), and with only a head- and arm-swap holding me back (nevermind those pesky sky-mines) I didn't think this would be too bi...

"Tentacular Delights" - Hellmouth Tentacles

The Kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance - Terry Pratchett Hello fellows all and welcome to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! Today on the blog we have a tentacular delight: the smaller appendages of the Hellmouth ! A couple years ago (almost to the day) I painted the main maw of the Hellmouth. I used that model for an appropriately epic base for Brokk Grungsson. Today I have the smaller "arms" of the Hellmouth...and we'll have to see what I plan on using them for...(nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Before we get going, I was looking back at my blog thinking "I feel like I've done quite a few tentacles on the blog" and bizarrely, I have! We've had the Hellboy Doom Tracker , The Hellmouth , the Tentacle from the Necromunda Underhive starter , the tentacles from the Conan kraken  (including bonus "Day of the Tentacle" tentacle), and finally Brokk himself !  That doesn't even include the actual kraken or the Dreadma...

"The Pursuit of Vikings" - Hyg

Thor! Oden's son, protector of mankind Ride to meet your fate, your destiny awaits Thor! Hlödyn's son, protector of mankind Ride to meet your fate, Ragnarök awaits! Twilight of the Thunder God - Amon Amarth Heil og sæl! Welcome to The Art of Caesura! When I painted this guy a few months ago , Vikings were really in my zeitgeist: I was binging " The Last Kingdom ", I was really trying hard to resist Mythic Games' "Hel" kickstarter  which was running at the time (somehow I managed to resist!) and Assassin's Creed: Valhalla had just been announced to much fan-fare. So when I picked up this model I was thoroughly in the mood to paint a Viking! Upon first seeing Hyg's model I knew I was going to love painting it. I would be able to go mad with my preferred neutral palette, broken up with cold hard steel and a ruddy complexion.  Although I started him from a Wraithbone undercoat, I didn't really use many Contrast Paints on him.  One new thing tha...