The money’s good, the dog’s loyal, and the gun’s reliable – but can you survive the hunt? - Focus Entertainment Welcome Gangers to The Art of Caesura! Man, years with no Necromunda video games and now we have two landing within half a year of each other! Last week we looked at Necromunda: Underhive Wars , but rather than just reviewing it, we looked at how I managed to reproduce my tabletop gang in the game. Likewise, this week, I don't want to just review Necromunda: Hired Gun because there are already loads of reviews out there, and having read most of them, I don't think I would have too much to add. Instead, I will give a brief distillation of my overall thoughts, wax on about hired guns in the Necromunda setting, and then talk about how to make bank in this game. The short form is that the setting and sometimes the mobility are rad, but just about everything else is overwhelmingly average and some elements (crashes, inventory, takedown animations) are bad. ...