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Showing posts from December, 2017

A New Year of Loot!

Glad tidings to you and yours from The Art of Caesura! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I sure did! Those readers who've been on the Caesura train since last year will remember that I like to leave the major reminiscing and reflecting on the past year for the birthday of the blog (aged 2 this year!), a few weeks hence. But don't worry, you didn't rise out of your turkey and eggnog-induced coma for nout! Today you'll be getting a couple sneak peeks at what lies ahead for 2018! Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that one of the books I was reading earlier in the year (which I list at the bottom of each blog post) was the Kharadron Overlords Battletome.  Since then, I've been formulating all sorts of awesome ideas for this new army I'll be starting this year, and my amazing wife got me jump-started with two brilliant models from the range: ...gotta love the top hat and moustache guns! I have big plans for this ship... The next one...

Glad Tidings!

Of the Father's heart begotten, Ere the world from chaos rose, He is Alpha, from that Fountain All that is and hath been flows; He is Omega, of all things, Yet to come the mystic Close, Evermore and evermore. "Of the Father's Heart Begotten" - Christmas Carol Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Art of Caesura! Another Christmas, and another year of festive friends donning their gay apparel to wish you a very merry Christmas! "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!" "...with the oxen standing by..." "Ho Ho WAAAGH!!!" It came from the wish you a Merry Christmas! What's red and white and ends in "Klaws"? Have a lovely Christmas friends, drink loads of eggnog and don't shovel too much snow! I'll see you just before New Years next week on The Art of Caesura! Watching: The Last Jedi Reading: The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson Li...

"Why So Serious" - The Comedian

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense. The Watchmen - Alan Moore Happy Friday all, and welcome back to The Art of Caesura! I hope you enjoyed last week's 100th blog post spectacular . It was a really nice trip down memory lane preparing those 100 photos from the past nearly two years. A big thank you again to those of you who have been following me over these past 100 posts, and a welcome to those who are new, I hope you all enjoy what you find in The Art of Caesura! This week we're going back to The World of Smog, and after looking at The Dand y and The Doctor , today we have The Comedian! Despite his stage name, the Comedian - a slimy and hunchback jester - used to take very seriously his role in a troupe of performing freaks. When a royal decree banished his kindred, he learned to survive in tunnels buried even deeper than the Tube. The Comedian usually acted as a spy or scout on the ...

100th Blog Post!

Welcome fellow Caesurians to a very special week on The Art of Caesura... It's the 100th post! To celebrate, I've collected 100 memories from the almost two years that I've been writing this weekly blog.  Thank you so much for joining me on this wild ride, I'm looking forward to hundreds of more posts!

"Herbal Remedies" - The Doctor

While the labyrinthian depths of the Shadow Market were once his sole domain, he now sees the whole of London as his laboratory... The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch Hey friends, welcome to another Friday on The Art of Caesura! Newsflash folks: Next week marks the 100th post of The Art of Caesura, so be sure to come on back then for the 100-day festivities! We're easing ourselves into a nice few weeks of minis from The World of Smog. This week's mini is an interesting one, he had a bust in the original game, but is a returning character with a full body sculpt (complete with mechanical monkey!) in the upcoming sequel! He's even been given a full name: where he was just "The Doctor" in the first game, he's now known as "Dr. Li Fong". Unfortunately (for us) this new model was part of an optional Add On that I didn't buy into, but at least I got a go at him in his original glory here!  "The Doctor was sent by the Order of ...