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"Death from the Shadows" - Amallyn Shadowguide

Hailing originally from the 
now-shattered Craftworld of Biel-Tan, 
Amallyn Shadowguide has traveled 
the webway for centuries.

Hello again one and all, and welcome back to The Art of Caesura!

After pausing last week to welcome my second daughter, Freya, to the world; we're now launching back into the Blackstone Fortress. Today we have the lithe space-elf, Amallyn Shadowguide!

Amallyn is one of the characters that my wife controls when we play Blackstone Fortress. As a sniper, she does a great job of pew pewing enemies off the board from a distance, but is surprisingly handy up close with her blade!

I started by painting Amallyn's white armour with Contrast Apothecary White. This colour is such a saviour for shading white! Buoyed by how well the white Contrast paint had gone, I set off painting the rest of her with Contrast Paints: Militarum Green for the inside of her cloak and Creed Camo for the outside...

...aaaand it looked like crap. Even with careful application, it came out all spotchy with tide marks and coffee staining. Le sigh. So I repainted her using "real" paints. 

I repainted the inside of her cloak with Deathworld Forest and the outside with Castellan Green. I kept the Contrast Wyldwood for the gloves and boots. 

I painted her gun Contrast Black Templar right over the Grey Seer and the gold bits Retributor Armour. I then lightly dry brushed the whole thing with Vallejo Metal Medium to give it a kind of other worldly, pearlescent quality. 

I used Screamer Pink as the spot colour for the tassels and Mephison Red as another spot colour on the soul stones. 

I shaded her robes (inside and out) with thinned Athonian Camoshade (a really lovely brown-green shade) and shaded the gold with Druchii Violet. 

Druchii Violet was also glazed on for her purple True Metalic Metal blade. 

At this point I just want to point out a little detail that the 'Eavy Metal painter missed. On her gun, her index finger is on the trigger, but they have painted it black like the other aeldari ovals on her gun. These painters are so excellent that it's always a little fun to find their (exceedingly rare) minor gaffs. 

I highlighted Amallyn with the original base colours, adding more and more Ushabti Bone to the greens. I didn't even bother to highlight the browns (such is the glory of Contrast Wyldwood).

After finishing off the gem stones, I started on her base. I have a post dedicated to how I am doing my Blackstone Fortress bases

...snip, snip...

Now lets turn out the lights and see her as she appears in the game: stalking through the shadows...

I'm not in love with the "swimsuit model" pose, but she is still overall a gorgeous model. I adore the hooded cloak and had a lot of fun with the intricate (but not excessive) details.

As far as I can recall, I think she may be the first Aeldari that I've painted. 

I'm quite chuffed with how her eerie mystical blade turned out. 

And that's our first hero from the core box done! 

Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you next week, right here on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Top Chef - Season 4
Reading: Norse Mythology - Neil Gaiman 

Next Week:

Snort snort, trample trample...


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