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Happy New Year - 2023!

Welcome and Happy New Year's Eve-eve to you all!

Could it really be!? ANOTHER NEW YEAR! 

It seems like only last year that we got one of those and the old thing still had some life in it yet! 

Anyway, as is tradition on The Art of Caesura, today's post is just a quicky to wish you all a very Happy New Year and to show you my recent hobby-related loot haul! We will do our proper tear-filled retrospective in a few weeks' time for the blog's birthday.

Kimera Kolors:

Marco Frisoni was a huge proponent of these paints when I attended his workshop last year, I'm really looking forward to trying them out! What makes these paints somewhat unique is that they are heavy-bodied acrylics aimed at miniature painters that are mostly single-pigment - giving the painter ultimate control over colour mixing without running into muddy browns and greys due to neutal tones which are often added to other miniature paints. 

Weathering Powders:

I am not totally satisfied with the bases of my burgeoning (second) Black Templars army, but I think these are going to push me in the right direction.

Air Compressor!!!!

The great harbinger of things to come is that my wonderful wife (cue Wheel of Fortune spouse introduction) got me a compressor for my airbrush. Until now I have been using one of those starter airbrushes off "Wish" with micro compressor. It has actually been fine and has given me great experience of the process of airbrushing, and how to breakdown and clean an airbrush. The main issue with it is that it only gets up to 8 PSI which means that there's a good bit of speckling around the umbra of what I'm trying to paint. 

With the compressor that my wife got me I'll be bumping those rookie numbers up by a factor of five! (Sooner or) Later in the year I plan to get a "proper" airbrush, but I'll see how I get on with the one that I'm familiar with and a new compressor first. 

In case this fills you with dread that all my work will start to look too smooth and manicured, I'm a huge fan of Marco Frisoni (have I mentioned!?) and I would hope to emulate his style - of using the airbrush to speed up the undercoating / base-coating process and still let the hairy brush do the lion's share of the work with adding texture and detail. 


So that is a potential look at things to come. In terms of WHAT I am going to paint, who knows!? I am very motivated to continue my Black Templars, but Oathsworn is equally vying for my attention. But likewise, I have many other games (Descent, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Cursed City, Blood Bowl Season 2, and Zombicide Invader (which has gained some priority points for great models to use for Vincey V's "Space Station Zero" game. Not to mention Reichbusters and Warhammer Underworlds). Anyway there is always more to paint. 

What an excellent problem to have. 

Much love for 2023 and I'll see you next week on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Andor

Next Week:

Visions of grandure...


  1. Congratulations on the compressor! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it as well as the interesting new paints you shared. Happy New Year to you!

    1. Thanks a million! Maybe I'll finally get cracking on Zombicide: Invader; you're really getting through it and making it look like a blast! Happy New Year to you too!


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