Hello hello fellow Caesurians! Welcome back to your Fridayly fix of The Art of Caesura! Okay after that lexicographically questionable salutation, I'll stop making up words. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (in a few days). 2025. Man, the years are flying by! I remember back in my day, yadda yadda yadda... Having kids, while making your body feel older, does help to make your soul feel younger. It's fulfilling to reminisce about Christmases and New Yearses of my youth through their eyes. Wait a minute, what's with all this sappy sentimentality!? I haven't even hit 40 yet, and longtime readers will know that, here on The Art of Caesura, we save the sappiness for a few weeks' time when we celebrate the blog's birthday! Today is supposed to be about materialism - past, present and future!! Namely, sharing some of the loot that is likely to turn up on the blog. So, the big hobby news is that a few weeks ago I bought a 3D Resin Printer! A Saturn 4 Ultra, to be precise! My long-term...