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Showing posts from December, 2024

Happy New Year - 2025!

Hello hello fellow Caesurians! Welcome back to your Fridayly fix of The Art of Caesura! Okay after that lexicographically questionable salutation, I'll stop making up words. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (in a few days). 2025. Man, the years are flying by! I remember back in my day, yadda yadda yadda... Having kids, while making your body feel older, does help to make your soul feel younger. It's fulfilling to reminisce about Christmases and New Yearses of my youth through their eyes. Wait a minute, what's with all this sappy sentimentality!? I haven't even hit 40 yet, and longtime readers will know that, here on The Art of Caesura, we save the sappiness for a few weeks' time when we celebrate the blog's birthday! Today is supposed to be about materialism - past, present and future!! Namely, sharing some of the loot that is likely to turn up on the blog.  So, the big hobby news is that a few weeks ago I bought a 3D Resin Printer! A Saturn 4 Ultra, to be precise! My long-term...

Christmas 2024!

Welcome one and all to this, the most festive post of the year!! Each year around this time, we are revisited by some of the models featured on the blog in the past year. Let's see who's come to help us celebrate this year... Oh, and if you're looking for something else to do aside from gazing at festive pictures of my models, you can check out my Christmas Table Quiz from a couple years ago. Right here ! I am Krampus, Lord of Yule! Merry Christmas from Hel(brecht). Merry Christmas from Hell(boy). I'll have a blue Christmas, without you. Celebrating Candlemass. The ghost of Christmas past. Thank you for joining me, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I'll see you next week on The Art of Caesura! Watching: Based on a True Story Reading: Trench Crusade Lore Primer Next Week: Happy New Year!

"About Face!" - Sword Brethren - Part 3 (Painting Faces)

Welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Hello one and all, and welcome back to The Art of Caesura! Similarly to last week's post on sculpting hair, today's Sword Brethren post is another - according to  modern parlance -  chonky boi. The reason for the post being so long and detailed is that each of these miniatures is the equivalent of a character - they all have loads of detail and bare heads, so there is a lot to discuss.  And discuss we shall!  Today we'll focus in on the grim visages of these hardened heroes. I mentioned before that I purposefully selected scarred, shouting faces where possible to highlight the veterancy and melee-focused nature of these guys. I painted four of them with Caucasian skin, and the Castellan with dark skin. From their black undercoat, I painted the light-skinned heads with a mix of Cadian Fleshtone and Wraithbone.  ...before painting pure Cadian Fleshtone around the eyes and lower face. The trick with faces is to thin your paints ...