It will cut. It will KEAl ( K eep E veryone Al ive). - Doug Marcaida Welcome one and all to the first post of 2025 on The Art of Caesura! I hope you have had peaceful and happy Christmases and New Yearses! Today, we're picking up from where we were a couple of weeks ago: painting my Sword Brethren. We've already looked at sculpting their hair , painting their armour, cloaks and faces . Today we're going to look at painting the Castellan's Power Sword! Above you can see where we'll end up, but let's look at starting off. I had never painted a sword like this before. With my previous power weapons, I would paint them silver and then maybe paint a bit of blue lightening around the power node. I wanted to make this guy's weapon stand out a bit more, he is a SWORD brother after all! I loosely followed the technique from Warhammer Plus' video on painting power weapons. I adapted it to the colours that I already had. I started with a couple thin coats of Stag...