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"A Death-Black Shadow" - Shadow Master

There’s a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.

Anthem, Leonard Cohen

Salutations, and welcome to another episode of The Art of Caesura!

Boy, what a week! Filled with wedding venue viewing awesomeness and exam un-awesomeness. Nice to be back here.

Since I first started pouring through the lore behind the game The World of Smog, I’ve been captivated by the character of The Shadow Master. I guess after four posts on this game I should tell you a bit more about it. It’s set in the late 1800’s in the standard Alternate-Victorian era to which most steam-punk identifies. Vikki’s jubilee is coming up and all of the gentlemen’s clubs (read gathering places for like-minded avant-garde aristocrats; as opposed to strip clubs) vie to increase their reputation by electing a member to get the Queen the best pressies for her party. Obviously the most sought-after artifacts, things like Mithril rings and Atlantean keys, are only available at the mysterious and nefarious Shadow Market (where the game actually takes place). The Shadow Market is presided over by The Shadow Master himself. Although not necessarily evil, he is certainly creepy as hell, and in game turns he can be a huge help or hindrance depending on whether or not you’re in his favour. My fiancé hates him.

Of the other models for this game that I’ve completed and shown you on here: Colonel Steele is one of the Gentlemen, while The MadScientist and Lost Boy are Agents of the Shadow Master who try to waylay the player who take charge of the Gentlemen.

The Shadow Master

...The Shadow Market is a maze out of space and time, where Ether and magic materials are very expensive. It gives shelter to dangerous creatures, which are ready to hinder the path of the unlucky gentlemen and last but not least, some adventurer may end up trapped forever if they won't manage to pay a heavy tribute in Ether to the guardian of this place - the mysterious Shadow Master...
                The World of Smog: On Her Majesty's Service

Victorian, steam-punk

Man, one creepy model eh? Like an emaciated corpse with his change for Charon. I really love his kind of papal garb (which I tried to invert by demonically painting them black and red). Unfortunately, it didn’t come out too well in the photos, but I spent a long time with his teeth trying to get that nice “scurvy” look. I used pictures of Drunken Shane MacGowen’s mouth for reference (I shuddered again just going to that page to get the link)!

Victorian, steam-punk

Victorian, steam-punk

Victorian, steam-punk

I spent a long time trying to decide how to paint his big gear plinth that the bust rests on. As I mentioned previously, I’m painting the Gentlemens’ brass, and the Agents’ silver, but what to do with the all-important Shadow Master? I considered going out and grabbing a gold paint and doing a nice dark gold to signify his status and contrast his dark robes. In the end I opted for a metallic black look. I think the all black suits him, and it still makes him stand out enough. Over a base coat of Abaddon Black I gave some silver highlights and then gave the whole thing a nice gloss varnish to make it stand out from his robes better and still look metallic.

Victorian, steam-punk

Robes: subtle highlights with a tiny bit of Scar White mixed with Altdorf Guard Blue added to the base colour of Abaddon Black
Trim: Doombull Brown and Evil Sunz Scarlet
Skin: base coat of Steel Legion Drab, worked up with Ushabti Bone and Scar white; before a heavy, though directed, wash of Gryphonne Sepia and a light wash of Biel-Tan Green

Victorian, steam-punk

Let me know what you think of him. And also, I’ve been gratefully noticing that I have viewers checking in from all over the world – thanks internet! This past week has seen folks from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Spain, The States and Ukraine! So please, if you fancy, teach us how to say “hello” or “one beer please” or “yes, your majesty” or something similarly useful in your language in the comments below.

Well team, I’ll see you next week for another round of The Art of Caesura.

Listening: I Am Aglow – Sarah Harmer
Drinking: Jack the Lad – Reel Deel Brewery – Co. Mayo, Ireland
(Thinking of) Watching: Vikings (any good?)
Reading: Saga Volume III – Brian K. Vaughan

Next Week:

We’re going to mix things up again. Rock positions!!


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