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"Concentrated Deformation" - Abomination (Headley)

…explorers report strange sightings, 
carrying tales of rotting mechanical creatures.
These abominations are made from leftover parts
that leave nightmares in the minds of all who see them

Malifaux 2E: Crossroads

Join me for another glimpse into The Art of Caesura!

Now, this is a new one for me. I’m not actually here right now…I’m in Iceland! I figured out how to write this post in advance and schedule it to be released on Friday. Sorry for the sneaker. I really want to challenge myself to keep this blog every single week for my own satisfaction, and so that you can rely on this regular Friday afternoon diversion.

Today is a continuation of last week’s post. This one is another Abomination from Leviticus’ “Salvage and Logistics” crew. Headley is his name.


Compared to ol’ Sawhawk last week, assembling Headley was a bit trickier. When I clipped one of the pieces (a wire that attaches to his undercarriage) it was so small that it instantly flew away, never to be seen again (luckily there are two wires down there). If you can believe it, this little dude is NINE pieces. I really should have put a coin in the picture to show the scale because some of the pieces were literally only several millimetres long. I hope this doesn’t sound like a complaint, it’s just a new process for me assembling and painting guys with pieces that are so fine.



I tried to break up the steel by capping his legs and…”eyes”(?) with a copper tone. I think it goes well with his skin tone and contrasts with the blue spot colour of his two wires (up the nose, and underneath). I have seen a lot of people paint these guys with pallid flesh-tones, but I thought it would be creepier to give them an almost warm, human skin-tone to make their mechanical appendages all the more unheimlich. And yeah, I coated his tongue with gloss varnish. Mmmm Mmm good!


I hope you guys like him. Let me know what you think!

Talk to you next week right here on The Art of Caesura!

Listening: Little Talks – Monsters and Men
Gaming: Nothin’ – I’m in Iceland!
Drinking: Hopefully many gorgeous Icelandic brews

Next week:

There’s a new brew in town…


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