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"Our Axes are Growing with Power and Fury" - Doomseeker

It is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches
the air with every swing, that he spits
glowing cinders with every war cry
and the wrath of the forge burns in his glare.

 ~ Games Workshop

Welcome Adventurers, to another Friday on The Art of Caesura!

I've been on a bit of a Silver Tower binge at the moment. Unfortunately I haven't been playing it myself but Miniwargaming posted a fun video just a couple weeks ago and Ash over at Guerrilla Miniature Games recently finished up a full campaign of this great game, so it certainly seems to been in the zeitgeist! I've been watching these as I paint away at the last few models of the game. 

After finishing the Tzaangors for last week, I've FINALLY started the heroes. I did the Knight Questor (with a cool Black Templar head-swap) last year, but hadn't painted any of the others. I always do this to myself! I always leave my favourite models till the end (when I feel like I've honed whatever tone I'm going for), but it means that I end up playing with unpainted models (which I'm loathe to do) for ages! 

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

Anyway the Doomseeker was a great hero to start with; I'd never painted a Fyreslayer before (or any dwarves for that matter) and I really feel like I'm getting comfortable with skin tones with the Scale 75 Flesh set. 

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

So, I guess the skin is a good place to start (seeing as how it makes up about 60% of the model). I started with Pink Flesh, washed it with Reikland Fleshshade, then another layer of Pink Flesh before highlighting with a mix of Pink Flesh and Basic Flesh, working up to straight Basic Flesh. I dotted his knuckles, toes and cheekbones with a mix of Basic Flesh and Light Flesh and that was as light as I went with this guy.

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

His hair was a mix of Evil Sunz Scarlet and Yrial Yellow. I washed all the hair with Carroburg Crimson darkened down the roots with increasingly concentrated Agrax Earthshade and then highlighted the tips with the original mix, adding in more Yrial Yellow. 

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

I re-painted his loin cloth twice. The first time I tried to paint the pattern a forest green to contrast his hair, but for some reason it looked really really awful. I repainted it blue and I think it worked much better to cool him down a bit. 

Oh, I almost forgot to comment on the metals! I tried something completely different with this guy, that I've never tried before. I washed the Hashut Copper of his weapons and helm with straight Druchii Violet! I think I read about that in a White Dwarf or something, and filed it away to try at some point. I love how it turned out - a brassy, regal look. 

My initial plan was to paint his runes copper and then liberally coat them in Nihilek Oxide so that they may be mistaken for tattoos, but I didn't really like how they looked, so I repainted the test one I did, washed them with Seraphim Sepia, and highlighted with a tiny bit of Retributor Gold. 

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

And that's pretty much him! My first Duardin and only my second Silver Tower hero! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Otherwise, I'll see you next week on The Art of Caesura!

Reading: Gotrek and Felix "Slayer" - David Guymer
Watching: The End of the F***ing World
Listening: Steak for Chicken - The Moldy Peaches

Next Week:

Father War...


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