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"The Rest of the Fest" - Warhammer Fest 2019

Hello one and all and welcome back to The Art of Caesura!

I just want to start by saying a huge THANK YOU to everyone who checked out my bonus post last weekend about the new Citadel Contrast Paints. My goal was to make something that would be helpful for people and so I was thrilled that it got shared around so much. 

After only posting it on The Grand Alliance and a Bell of Lost Souls comment section, I was humbled to see it shared on: Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, The Bolter & Chainsword, a French forum called Warhammer Forum, and Dakka Dakka

So a hearty thank you to everyone who helped spread the word and to the community as a whole for all the interesting conversations!

Now, onward!

Today I want to show you a few pics of the rest of my time at Warhammer Fest last weekend (what a whopping blast that was!!). I don't really think there's any point in my trying to give a play-by-play of everything that was there, because GW have already done a great job of that.

Instead, I thought I would focus mostly on the things that you might not have really got to see too well if you weren't able to go. Because my main interest is on the painting, we're going to glimpse at some of the Golden Demon entries that caught my eye. 

But first, the entrance hall: 

Warhammer Fest 2019

Now is probably a good time to point out, that I had purposefully taken loads of the pics with my GoPro Hero4 because I thought it would be able to do nice 4k images and video, but I clearly buggered something up in the stabilization settings

Warhammer Fest 2019
It was great to meet Ben from the 2 P's Podcast (us with our swag!) - what a legend! Blurry, of course - le sigh! 

The shop area, what did I buy? You'll just have to wait and see...

Peachy working the crowd!

Warhammer Fest 2019
Man, I love Vermintide 2! We got to have a go at slaying the new beastmen and adventuring through the new Weave system in this first expansion. 

Halfling Team
The new Halfling team for Blood Bowl has too much character not to be a day-one purchase for me! One of them even has a ferret stuffed down his trousers! Ferret-legging, those English...Also the new Deeproot Strongbranch (treeman) and Willow Rosebark (dryad) are quite lovely in person.

Warhammer Fest 2019
Look at those AMAZING display bases!

That Ultramarines Primaris is the best example of a Primaris I've seen yet. Vulkan ain't bad either!

Below marks the start of the Golden Demon entries. The actual judging was on the Sunday, so not all of the entries were in yet. I'm afraid the names of the artists weren't displayed, but if any of these are yours, please get in touch for a proper shout-out (and my hat is bloody off to you!) 

I especially loved the liberal use of skulls! Khorne Stormcast?

I don't have enough Jabberslythe in my life. 

Golden Daemon
All the LOOT!

This megaboss, while difficult to make out, had such a sense of atmosphere. The base is snapped straight out of Lustria a Seraphon space-bubble. 

Just beautifully rendered. 

This one was very popular, I had to roll three block dice just to get in to take the picture ;)


This is another one that you really had to see in real life, it was a lot more subtly blended than you can see here. Straight out of The Fellowship. 

The Isharann Tidecaster was an understandably popular choice. It was fun to see them all beside each other and yet each painted so differently. 

Warhammer Fest 2019
I recognized this one from Instagram, it's by Savage Ork Guy (Louise Sugden), who works for Forge World.

Who wore it better...?

The models were lovely (I swear!) and look at that display base!!

I loved the tactical-camo effect on the cloaks. 

Straight out of Dune...

Hahahahaha oh man...

After the Golden Daemon display, I popped over to the Studio area - where all our GW heroes were hanging out! But first, here is a GW video showing some of the above models more clearly:


One of my favourite parts of the Studio area was being able just to peruse all of the artists' sketchbooks. I found a sketchbook with loads of sketches of the new Slaanesh stuff that's just come out (not pictured). The sketches were dated 2016!

Warhammer Fest 2019
The Dreaded Ambull...and Mr. Scale to his right. 

Check out these wicked alternate head sketches!

Thar she be! In the plastic!

The latest Underworlds warbands: Thundrik and...the Sylvaneth.
Iconic. There's Max's Darkoath Chieftain which won Golden Daemon 2016! Max told a cool story about the model: the pock-marked pauldron on the left represents Nurgle, the bird skull - Tzeentch, and his raging belt-buckle - Khorne; all combining to show his Undivided allegiance. 

The newest Warcry warband, first revealed earlier in the day.

I spoke to the artist of these two pieces (from Thundrik's Profiteers) he completed them both in a day! He said their time-frame is usually to complete the art for three Underworlds cards per day!

My God. A Kharadron Overlords version of Bugman's Brewery. I'm in Heaven!

Ahhh that was great!

I hope you enjoyed this look at Warhammer Fest 2019. I had such a blast and managed to cram loads into the day. If you have any questions about the fest, please leave them below, I'll only be too happy to reminisce about the day!

See you next week on The Art of Caesura!

Listening: Bard Songs - Various
Reading: Necromunda Rulebook
Watching: Star Trek Discovery Season 2
Drinking: Howling Gale - Eight Degrees Brewery

Next Week:

A token effort...


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