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"The Raven's Nest" - Necromunda Escher Bases

An underworld of corrosion. A kingdom of decaying metal...

Welcome back to the deep, dank confines of The Art of Caesura!

I hope you enjoyed last week's first look at my first Necromunda gang: The Unkindness. This week we're going to look at how they're based.


Every so often (quite frequently, for me) you just come across something so awesome that you're like "I have to remember that!" such a thing happened to me at Warhammer Fest. Amongst the Golden Demon displays was the Necromunda gang below. Obviously the gang was converted and painted to an incredible standard (though, of course my camera was fuzzy - I have since got a new phone, you'll be happy to hear), but what I really loved was the base!


Without trying to totally replicate it, I used the display as inspiration for the bases of The Unkindness. I really loved the shade of pale green that was used (which, conveniently for my raven-themed gang, is also the colour of some breeds of raven egg).


I started with the light green bits, painting them straight Gauss Blaster Green, then, on to the steel bits for which I used Runefang Steel. 


With these pristine bases, it was time to dirty them up a little...


...I think the OP used weathering powders (something I'd love to get into), but I started with Typhus Corrosion, applying it with the corner of a bit of sponge. 


With the corrosion applied, I wanted to give the metal a dirty, oily look; so dove in with heavy helpings of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade.


The final step was to add a jolt of colour back into my ruined glory, cyber-punky gang; first, by dry-brushing Ryza Rust over the Typhus Corrosion, then by using the bit of sponge to apply Gauss Blaster Green and Runefang Steel.


Before I get flamed for it, I will of course be painting the rims black, in fact here are some of the gang members on their completed bases from last week.


I would like to introduce more of the characteristic yellow and black hazard stripes somewhere, but it might have to wait for the next gang...

Thanks for tuning into another week of The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Dark - Season 1 (again!)
Reading: July White Dwarf

Next Week:

More of the flock...


  1. Good stuff mate! I'm going to give this a go.

    1. Thanks Howie! Right on! Let me know how you get on.


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