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Comma-Community - The 2Ps Podcast

Hail mighty readers, and welcome to a new year on The Art of Caesura!

And with a new year comes the start of something a bit special. I started this blog for a number of reasons, amongst them was to encourage me to paint regularly and catalogue my painting (for myself as well as you), but also to be part of the the hobby community. I have complained here and there about not having a local hobby community (nor the time to start one), so blogging has been one of my ways of being part of the conversation. 

So, to increase the community orientation of the The Art of Caesura, I'm going to start semi-regular posts (I'm not quite sure how regular yet, maybe a few times per year) about other hobby resources that I am into. These will typically be other people's podcasts (as is the case today) or blogs. 

Let's launch off our first Comma-Community post with a very worthy couple-o-lads: Ben and Dan from The 2Ps Podcast.

Credit: The 2Ps

It was actually through the 2Ps Podcast that I had the idea of starting these community posts, so it seems only right that they should be the first on the list!

For those who are unfamiliar with the 2Ps, they are two English guys who run a monthly podcast which has just hit its 50th episode! 

What I Like About the Podcast:

Rapport: these guys are clearly old friends who enjoy having a laugh together talking about the hobby, it comes across nicely. Ben and Dan just seem like nice guys who you would love to meet down the pub. 

Hobby Oriented: they are focused on the elements of the hobby that I too enjoy: painting, collecting and revelling in the lore. While they do discuss games that they've recently played, tactics aren't the focus of the podcast. 

Life Circumstances: this is a bit of a weird one, but like me now, they are both dads and I appreciate when they talk about the balancing act of hobbying with a young family.

Hobby Butterflies: again, like me, they are victim to the siren song of many elements of the hobby. They have regular segments on Warhammer 40k (and Necromunda), Age of Sigmar (and Blood Bowl), and then alternating with Lord of the Rings and "Into the Wilds" where they discuss any other non-GW miniature games. Where many podcasts focus largely on one game system (which is fine too), it is refreshing for me to have an auditory smorgasbord.

Community Focus: these guys devote a regular section to goings-on in local (to them) FLGS, but they also have community shout-outs where they comment on awesome things they've seen on social media - this has actually lead me to find many cool folks on Instagram that I might otherwise have missed. More on their community interaction in a moment...

Quality: Their production quality is very good especially considering they record remotely. While this may seem like a superficial detail, there are other podcasts were my interest has flagged due to poor audio quality. 

Credit: The 2Ps

But That's Not All!

While the 2Ps Podcast was my gateway into the 2Ps empire, it is only one facet of what they do. They have a hobby blog and fledgling Youtube channel where they post useful hobby tutorials.

Even more significantly, they have a private Facebook group (separate from their open one) called The 2 P's Podcast hobby forum, where people regularly post the fruits (and WIPs) of their hobby labours. This group is really positive, upbeat, engaged, and diverse, typically with multiple posts per day. 

Each month Dan and Ben run a painting challenge with a specific theme (most recently "The Darkness Within") where anyone can enter and group members vote on their favourite entry (the winner being entered to win a prize later in the year). While there are obviously a lot of amazing painters in the group, there are also many mere mortals (like me) who enter these contests, so it doesn't feel too daunting to enter.

The 2Ps are great ambassadors for the hobby, and if you haven't previously, I'd encourage you to check them out!

Meeting Ben at Warhammer Fest 2019

I hope you enjoy these Comma-Communiy posts, and who knows, you might even find something else to fill the 6-day void between your fixes of The Art of Caesura!

A note on the title "Comma-Community", my undergrad was in English Literature, and the blog's title contains a reference to a puntuation mark (in literature and music) - the caesura. I have tried to keep this theme going with some of my post-types. We have a few "The Full Stop" posts, I'm re-branding my "how to" posts as "Question Point", and now the lowly comma is being enlisted into service. The comma is an inclusive piece of punctuation, when used in lists it replaces "and" which is what the subjects of these posts do: they add to the it kind of sounds like that Culture Club song

Watching: One Cut of the Dead (2017) - Ueda
Reading: Beyond the Rift - Peter Watts

Next Week:

Ingenuity in the Underworlds...


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