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"Awooooo" - General Wolff

For the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

~ Rudyard Kipling

Welcome back to another Friday on The Art of Caesura!

We're deep in the bowels of Castle Wewelsburg at the moment, last week we looked at some horrifying Nazi Zombies, and this week we're looking at one of the bosses of Reichbusters; it's General Wolff!

Like so many models in this game, this one is great! I love all the different textures: the flabby skin, the patent leather, cloth and hard metal of his "throne".

I love how his chair has some ornate stylings, while still being largely functional. Perhaps most of all, I love how, rather than wheels, his chair has creepy, stubby little legs! You can just imaging the clinking, clanking and thudding of those legs on the flagstones of Castle Wewelsburg. 

I painted Wolffy really quickly; I stuck on Rambo, and by the time the film was finished, the model almost was too! I think I got into some kind of flow state painting all the great textures. 

Starting with his chair, I painted the whole thing Leadbelcher, then painted Contrast Snakebite Leather over the areas that would be brass. I then varnished these areas with Technical Stormshield (I know it's not absolutely necessary to varnish before using - and stripping - enamels, but I've run into problems with the acrylic paint lifting and the brush-on varnish takes very little time so I find it worth it). 

I then used AK's Dark Brown enamel wash and Streaking Grime to weather the steel bits and Decay Deposits for the brass. I then stippled the edges of the metal with Stormhost Silver and his chair was pretty much done. 

All that remained was the red velvet backing which was Mephiston Red, 50:50 Carroburg Crimson : Druchii Violet, and highlighted with Mephiston Red + Evil Sunz Scarlet. 

Then the big boy himself. 

From a basecoat of Mechanicus Standard Grey, I gave his jacket a wash with 50:50 Contrast Black Templar : Contrast Medium. Then I just picked out the raised wrinkles with Mechanicus adding in more white. 

As a side-note, on the box art his clothes are painted white, but I think he looks more evil in black. 

For his roly-poly skin I wanted it to be nice and piggy-pink. So I started with Cadian Fleshtone and worked up through Pink Flesh and Basic Flesh from Scale 75. I didn't realize that his left hand was meant to be wearing a glove with all those Vril-bobbins on it (hence why it is like twice the size of his right hand) so I just painted it skin-coloured. So sue me. 

I had a lot of fun with the details: the medals and ribbons on his chest, the patent leather brim on his hat (simply black with gloss varnish), as well as his Vril effects. 

Again on his left hand, I hadn't realized that they just painted the bulging bits on top as metal gears, but I think they look pretty cool as Vril-ports. Another happy little error. 

Lets just take a look at some of the other details on this guy. 

Certainly a cool and characterful Vrilmeister for the Reichbusters to...bust! Now I just need to paint some of the good guys to get bustin'!
Tune in next week to The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Rambo (2008)
Listening: The Curse - Agnes Obel
Reading: The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch

Next Week:



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