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"Once More Unto the Breach!" - Sarge

The Sarge has seen it all before,
and killed most of it too.
He's the definition of a grizzled veteran.
Nothing surprises him,
and everyone looks to him for support and leadership.
If you need a Hero between you and trouble,
Sarge is your man.

Welcome one and all to the wonderful world of The Art of Caesura!

Today marks the 15th week of Reichbusters content here on the blog - almost a third of a year!

Whenever I start in on a painting project I never really know how far it's going to carry me. Sometimes I get mega excited about something, and after painting a few models feel "okay, I've scratched that itch now" only to be distracted by something else. I never force myself to paint anything in particular (probably one of the only benefits of not having a regular gaming group - that I never feel pressured to paint any one thing). That means that I can paint something for as long (or short) as it holds my interest and I'm still excited about it, then move on to something else before coming back to it weeks, months or even years later! It keeps things fresh for me and is one of the things that has made me lucky to never really experience hobby burnout. 

Reichbusters has just held my interest for an inordinate amount of time! I've already mentioned what I like about the models and theme, but I think it also had the benefit of introducing me to a whole new painting style (enamel washes), so I have really enjoyed changing things up from pure acrylics. 

Anyway, this will be my last Reichbusters post for a while, as I have begun working on another exciting game (that I've actually had boiling in the background for some time). So what better send off than painting Sarge - the thematic boss of the goodies!

When I first saw this miniature, I wasn't instantly sold on him. It was the posture that kind of threw me off; he's almost got a closed posture with his right arm in front of him. But the more I worked on him, the more I came to really love the "CHAAAAARRRGEEE!!!! pose. 

I actually base coated this guy twice. I started by painting his upper and lower body fatigues with Deathworld Forest - in the same style as Brad and Brick. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of him at that stage. Once I had him base coated in that style I felt that he didn't really stand out enough (he is the Sarge after all) so I re-painted his jacket more in the style of the box art using Skrag Brown. 

His backpack is Steel Legion Drab, and chestnut areas started as Doombull Brown. For his machine gun and shotgun I painted them Leadbelcher and then coated them with a neat layer of Contrast Black Templar. His helmet is Castellan Green with a very gentle Leadbelcher dry-brush. 

On to the washes! All brown areas received an Agrax Earthshade wash, all green areas were washed with Athonian Camoshade and all metal areas with Nuln Oil. 

To begin the highlights, I started by highlighting each area with its original base colour.

For his pants, I then mixed in more and more Death Guard Green until I was purely using this colour. 

To highlight the various browns I just mixed S75's Pale Skin into the original colours

The metal areas were touched with Stormhost Silver. 

For his base, I covered Mechanicus Standard Grey with AK's Streaking Grime enamel wash before taking it off in patches with spirits.

I'm really happy with how Sarge turned out. Like the rest of the Reichbusters, he's full of character and had just the right level of detail and different textures to keep it interesting while still being quite quick. 

Tune in next week as we step, blinking, into the post-Reichbusters world on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Top Chef - season 1
Reading: about bloody mortgages!

Next Week:

A pause for life...


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