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"Modern Major General" - Major Dreadful - Part 1

Advancements in technology have made it 
so that wars are fought largely by automatons, 
keeping living humans out of harm’s way. 
However, Major Dreadful has never been one 
to shy away from a good dust up.


Welcome back, one and all, to your weekly dose of The Art of Caesura!

This is a monumental week for me outside of the blog. This week I finally started the job that I have been soul-searching about for the first half of this year. Regular readers will have noticed that I started most of my posts during the first half of this year with philosophical meanderings, quotes about living a fulfilled life and general ponderings not specifically related to the miniatures at hand. This was an overflow of my meditating on various books that I was reading and deep introspection I was having regarding a significant change in job. I finally came to a decision several months ago, but this week is my first in this new role. Because I am, necessarily, writing this in the past, I wish my future self "good luck!" and want to remind myself that 

You are the only one who can enjoy your life. 

Now let's look at a steampunk major general!

From an aesthetic point of view this guy was one of my favorite in the whole box from whenst first I laid eyes on him. I love the arm, the fez, the shotgun, the moustaches, I love it all! His little British Bulldog, Winston, was one of the first models that I painted from this game over 5 years ago! 

I painted him at a blistering speed in about an hour. I tried to stick relatively close to the box art above. For his smoking jacket, I mixed Steel Legion Drab with Contrast Medium and applied this over the zenital undercoat. I used Contrast Black Templars for his trousers and fez. 

I used Contrast Skeleton Horde for his waistcoat, Contrast Space Wolves Grey for his cravat, Contrast Guilliman Flesh for his skin, Screaming Bell for his aethermatic arm, and Leadbelcher for his shotgun. 

The final step was to shove in the details. I picked out his medals and buttons. I shaded his robe and arm with Agrax Earthshade. I added stripes (watered down Steel Legion Drab) to his trousers and painted the details of his face giving him a nice ruddy complexion. 

All that remained was to paint the flame and his base, but I shall leave you in suspense on those accounts, until next week. 

See you then on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Boarding Actions on Tabletop Tactics
Reading: The Dinosaur that Pooped a Pirate - Dougie Poynter and Tom Fletcher

Next Week:

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