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"Dodging Madness" - Frog Swarm Tokens - Part 1

Welcome back to another amphibious episode of The Art of Caesura!

I thought I was done with painting the miniatures from Hellboy: The Board Game several weeks ago when I painted Lobster Johnson, but then finding that old, incomplete post about the Frog Monsters reinvigorated me! As you have seen over the past few weeks, I actually completed a bunch of minis that I had started 5 years ago (which felt really good). 

I mentioned, in my previous post about the Frog Monsters, that I had planned to airbrush them before changing my mind; well, that's all true, but before putting my airbrush away, I noticed these little Frog Swarm tokens in the box. I thought, well, I already have my airbrush station set-up, I might as well just prime these guys with the airbrush to save me heading out to the garage with the rattle cans. 1 hour later they were completely done!

In Hellboy: The Board Game the Frog Swarms represent things getting increasingly crazy, and in terms of game mechanics, they downgrade certain actions if you're stuck in the same area as one of them. They remind me a tiny bit of the little Familiars that turn up in Silver Tower (another game by James Hewitt) if you roll doubles and things. 

Anyway, I sprayed them with a light airbrush primer. 

Then, emboldened by how quick that was, I lined up a few Vallejo Game Air greens of increasing vibrancy and sprayed each on in turn. 

Starting with Dark Green...

...then Scorpion Green...

...then Light Livery Green...

...and finally Game Colour Fluo. 

Regarding my application of these paints, I painted them all over with the Dark Green, then just puffed patches and horizontally from the side with the lighter colours to catch the raised areas. 

With the airbrushing complete, I pulled out Contrast Creed Camo and just dabbed a bit of this into the cervices between the frogs to re-establish some readability into the swarm. 

Then came the moment that I was most proud of: I got out my Kymera White and diluted it to the right consistency, getting a bit on to the very tip of my most detailed brush and I was 1cm above the first frog with the intention of dotting in all the eyes to give them a creepy glow like in the comics, when I immediately stopped myself, almost outwardly saying "WHAT AM I DOING!?" And I'm so glad I did. There must have been at least 50 microscopic eyes on each of those bases - multiplied by 10 bases! Up to that point I had spent about 45 minutes getting these bases into a presentable state but I was about to embark on another hour or more of grueling dotting of 500 frog eyes. Man, I dodged a bullet there!

Instead I used the last 15 minutes to paint the base rims and to be very satisfied with the end result! Sometimes you need to know when to stop!

Thank you for joining me this week on The Art of Caesura, I'll see you next week!

Watching: Five Star Chef - Netflix
Reading: Rules of Civility - Amor Towles

Next week:

Frogs from the shadows...


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