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"Big Red" - Maw-Krusha

Tiny-minded and short-sited, the thuggish Maw-krushas
barrel across the landscape pulverising anything
in their way, be it trees, settlements or screaming people.

Hey guys, welcome back to The Art of Caesura!

The mood was already somber, what with recent events in America and it being Remembrance Day in Canada. Then I read that Leonard Cohen had died. We've always listened to Leonard. My mum had his "Essentials" album in the car throughout my adolescence and I had been swept up by his mellifluous baritone, but more so by the truth in his lyrics and poetry. I had the privileged of seeing him in Belfast a good few years ago and remember the sense of humility that shone through his performance. Years later I stood outside his home in Montreal and had one of those liminal experiences where you wonder at how greatness can come from such a relatively normal looking environment. 

Rest in peace Leonard Cohen. 


Thank you for spending a moment with me remembering this great artist. Now let's try to lighten the mood by looking at the art of miniature dragons...

Two weeks ago we left off with a naked gray Maw-krusha, the big newish dragon-like creature for the Orc-types in The Age of Sigmar. This week comes the second part: painting.

This model marks a few firsts for me. Though I have been collecting fantasy miniatures for many years, this is the first dragon-like creature that I've ever painted. He's also the biggest "miniature" I've ever painted. 

Age of Sigmar

As with all of the miniatures I paint, I spent a good deal of time thinking about the Maw-Krusha's colour scheme before I put paint to plastic. I liked a lot of the colour schemes that I saw floating around the interwebs for this big guy. There are some truly inspiring examples over on coolminiornot and on TGA and I really couldn't decide whether I wanted to go with cooler greens and blues or hotter reds. So I asked my fiance and red was the suggestion. Boom. Done. Easy. 

Age of Sigmar

I often watch Kris over at miniwargaming for general painting tips, but I've never really treated his (or any other guide) as prescriptive, literally following them step-by-step. I noticed that the Maw-Krusha painted on Warhammer TV featured the colour scheme that I was going for, so I decided to give it a go and try to follow along closely to the steps that the artist was using.

Age of SigmarAge of Sigmar

Age of Sigmar
Age of Sigmar

There's a bit of tonal variation where I blended my own colours to make ones I didn't own. Overall I think this big guy turned out pretty well! 

Age of Sigmar

Though intimidating at first, it was no more difficult to paint this huge model than any other smaller one. Really it's just about getting bigger brushes and using similar concepts to painting smaller guys. The glorious ease of dry-brushing his heavily textured scales formed the nice yang to the yin of tediously painting every horn, tooth and spine using FOUR DIFFERENT LAYERS!

Age of Sigmar

As much as I'm looking forward to seeing this model complete with his rider, I think I'll move onto something a bit different for next week. I'm waiting for some magnets to arrive before I paint the warboss on his back...

Thanks, as always for tuning into The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Westworld
Drinking: McGargles Big Bangin' IPA
Reading: Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang

Next Week:
A golden Templar...


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