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"Biggest is Bestest" - Megaboss

The biggest - and therefore the best - of the Ironjawz,
the orruk Megabosses lead the Ironjaw warclans with
a ramshackle unity, smashing and stomping and breaking
and battering everything in reach.

Hey all, thanks for all the birthday wishes on The Art of Caesura!

My fiance has actually taken me away this week for my birthday (it's a big one!) so I prepped this a bit in advance. When this comes out it will actually be the day of my birthday Woo hoo!

Age of Sigmar, Orruk megaboss on maw-krusha

I know I've been stretching this model over a few weeks now, but he really was a mighty undertaking. First I talked about building the Maw-krusha, then I showed you the painted beast, now comes his rider!

The other reason that I wanted to give this one the time he deserves is because I was waiting on some magnets to arrive so that I could try my hand at magnetizing all his weapons. I'd never magnitized anything before, but it turned out to be dead easy! I got the smallest magnets I could: 1mm by 3mm as well as a 3mm drill-bit for my pin-vice; the magnets were the perfect size to fit into either side of his wrists. This was really exciting for me because then I didn't have to choose between the 3 pairs of weapon options this guy comes with - I could paint all of them!

In the end I got so caught up with the magnets that I ended up magnetizing his feet to the Maw-Krusha as well, so that I could also have him on foot. This opened up some challenges of its own; it meant that I had to cut off the chains that would normally hold him to his mighty beast because they wouldn't serve much purpose when he was on foot. Sculpting the base was a fun little project. I sculpted the landing pads with green stuff to accommodate his plantar flexed foot position. I built up a little scrag using cut up wine corks and used sand and a tiny bit of green stuff. 

Painting this guy was great! I like painting my black orcs with all miss-matched armor, imagining that they just knock together any old armor plates they can get their hands on. I tried to do this guy the same and was a bit worried at the time that he was turning out a bit too eclectic. I chose the predominant colours of his armor to be sympathetic to the Maw-Krusha (the back red, the chest off-white) imaging this guy painted his armor in tribute to his mighty mount. When I blocked in the main colours he was looking a bit like a Pokeball, but luckily it all toned down with a few washes and weathering on the armor. 

Maw-Krusha, I choose you!

I kept his skin tone very dark as an homage to the old Black Orcs who were always the biggest an baddest of the orcs of the Old World. Plus it really made his one eye glow!

Thanks for following me through the few weeks it took to complete this guy right here on The Art of Caesura!

Reading: Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
Listening: Treaty - Leonard Cohen
Drinking: Medusa Red Ale - Harvey's Brewing

Next Week:
A birthday surprise...


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