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"Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi..." - Countess Ordelia / Princess Leia

“Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!”

- Princess Leia

Greetings and welcome to another Friday on The Art of Caesura!

With Hallowe'en only recently behind us it's time for some zombies (or those who kill them!) When we last left off my Zombicide: Green Horde coverage, I mentioned that I still had a couple more miniatures painted to show you, but I felt that after ELEVEN WEEKS of content it was time to shift gears. Well the pendulum is now swinging back and I can show you a couple more Zombicide survivors. Today we have Princess Leia...I mean Countess Ordelia!

Countess Ordelia

Countess Ordelia

Once the missions started requiring more than four models, Leia was the first one we added! She turned out to be an awesome miniature to paint, and is one of the best characters in the game, rules-wise. 

The model is a cool combination of the classic Leia pose in her white dress with her blaster held aloft, while the clothing, hair and facial features are more in-keeping with the battle-hardened General Organa who we saw in the more recent Star Wars films. 

Countess Ordelia

Countess Ordelia

They even gave her a glowing whip which I presume was a reference to a lightsaber, an effect that I only hinted at with a subtle blue glow. 

Countess Ordelia

Countess Ordelia

From a Grey Seer Undercoat, I started in with Contrast Paints. I was surprised how much of the miniature I could do with Contrast Paints alone! I used Shyish Purple for the inner robe, Leviadon Blue for the outer robe, and Guilliman Flesh for the skin. For her hair, crossbow and quiver I started with a 1:1 mix of Wyldwood and Contrast Medium but I repainted the crossbow and quiver with Doombull Brown. 

Countess Ordelia

Countess Ordelia

The whip, beads and other metal bits started as Stormhost silver. I coated the beads with Apothecary White to give them a slightly pearlescent look and the whip was coated in Aethermatic Blue. 

Countess Ordelia

Then came the highlights. This is one of the fun parts of Contrast Paints, but makes for difficult writing because it always involved colour matching. I am lucky to have cultivated a bit of an eye for colour matching over these years of mini painting, so I usually just eye-ball it - adding a bit of this and a smidge of that - and I can usually get where I'm trying to go. 

Countess Ordelia

To highlight the inner robes, I mixed Screamer Pink and Altdorf Guard Blue, using this blue with a touch of Lothern Blue for the outer robes. I kept the paint heavily diluted to "sketch in" the broad shapes of the cloth. 

Countess Ordelia

I used Doombull Brown, mixing in Ushabti bone for the crossbow; and Doombull with Skrag brown for a warmer leather on the belt and quiver. 

Countess Ordelia

From a Screaming Bell base coat, followed by an Agrax Earthshade wash, the copper elements were highlighted with Hashut Copper. 

Countess Ordelia

Scale 75 flesh paints came to the rescue once again for her skin over the Guilliman Flesh Contrast layer. 

I really like these fun characters that they bring in to Zombicide from other IPs. As you can see I sketched out the colours quite broadly, not worrying too much about blending. I also kept the colours quite saturated, both of these decisions were to play into the somewhat cartoony aesthetic of Zombicide. 

Tune in for my favourite Zombicide hero next week, right here on The Art of Caesura!

Watching / Listening: Coco and the Butterfields Live!
Reading: Blackstone Fortress Rulebook

Next Week:

Valhalla awaits!


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