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Three years old! THREE YEARS OLD!! Can you believe it!? Well maybe you can, but I can barely believe it. When I started this little blog three years ago, I didn't know how long I'd be able to keep the weekly pace up, but here we are, 159 posts later and still going strong!! I have all of you to thank for it. I know it sounds cliché but being several hours from my nearest hobby centre, you guys are my community, and it's your views and comments that help encourage me to keep striving in my hobby.

This is always my favourite post of the year, and I hope you enjoy it too! I love it because it gives us a chance to pause (a caesura within The Caesura), look back over all we've accomplished this past year, and gaze to the fun that lies ahead!

Let's start with a fancy visual look at the blog:

But what does it all mean? Well, compared to last year, we've diversified a bit. I mentioned last year that I wanted to bring some of the "life" back into this "Happy blog of life and hobbies..." I finally managed to get a few hikes on the blog, finished my first big boxed game (Silver Tower), started my second ever Warhammer / Age of Sigmar army and devoted a full month to beer. Aaaahhhh, satisfaction. 

But satisfaction is the enemy of productivity...wait, no that's perfection... anyway, it wasn't all tea and rainbows. Unfortunately I didn't quite managed to accomplish all my goals from last year. In fact, I only accomplished one of them (egads)! I only learned 2 new songs (I'll Be Your Girl - Decemberists, and randomly, Dromcollogher - Percy French) which is fairly dismal for someone who used to learn as many in a day! And we only went on 5 or 6 big hikes this year (two of which were catalogued here...and here). Here's a couple shots from one we did today:

Buuuut...I did managed to learn 3 new hobby techniques!! 

1) I learned how to use water effects - and have been using them loads on the bases of my Kharadron Overlords.
3) I learned how to paint a dark skin tone, using the Warpriest and, more recently, Parvin.

My goals for this year are a bit different, and about getting my stuff out there a little. The first step is that I'll have to start taking some of my photos against a white backdrop for a White Dwarf submission. I'll also have to do a bit of research into painting contests - I think the nearest one is 3 hours away, so I'll need to be a little organized. As for my final goal - this year is looking to be another busy one outside the blog, so if I can keep producing a post a week I'll be happy. 


Now! On to my next favourite part of these birthday posts...drum-roll favourite models from the past year:

6) Eroom Nala (The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch)

This one is probably the sleeper-hit of the list. For many people he might have snuck by as "just another World of Smog mini", but as you could glean from my post, I'm a huge Alan Moore fan so to get to paint his likeness - as a wizard, no less - was a real treat!

5) Mistweaver Saih (Silver Tower)

The models from Silver Tower are gorgeous, and in my opinion Mistweaver is one of the best. To remind you, she came out a few years before the Nighthaunt, and to my eye the dynamic fluidity achieved was quite unique at the time. I tried to enhance the fluidity with some wet-blending, and am pretty happy with the overall result. She, controlled by my wife, was a powerhouse against the denizens of the Silver Tower in our campaign!

4) Orc Warboss (Forge World)

A refreshing return to my roots painting classic orcs - and they don't get a whole lot more classic than this. I mentioned at the time how much I delighted in all the little details. They don't make 'em like they used to!

3) Gaunt Summoner (Silver Tower)

I happily deviated from the box-art colour scheme with this model - painting him much darker than usual. As the last of the models of Silver Tower that I completed, he came with a huge sense of accomplishment!

2) Great Unclean One (Forge World)

As the secret model for last year's blog birthday post, he just squeaked in in time for this list! This was SUCH a fun model to paint - loads of washes and textures - pus, organs, rust, thick flesh...I think I painted him just before the new plastic Great Unclean One was released (but I still like this guy better heehee).

1) Brokk Grungsson (Age of Sigmar)

And the top of the pops for this year's model of the year goes to...The Lord Magnate himself BRRRROOOOKKK GRUNGSSOONNNNNN!! It's almost a bit of a cheat, because it's really two models; but this guy was above and beyond anything I had done before. 

Let me know what you think; did I miss your favourite? It was really hard for me not to include my vis-a-vis in the Silver Tower (the Darkoath Chieftain) and I was really happy with the Doomseeker as well. How 'bout the Abominabunny or little Winston?

Well, I'll tell you what your comrades thought: my highest scoring mini on Cool Mini Or Not (though I do only post a small selection of minis on there) this year was Brokk Grungsson, closely followed by the Darkoath Chieftain. 

And the People's Choice Award (for the mini the drove the most traffic to my blog this year) goes to:

Yep, I'm just as surprised as you are!


What a mighty celebration this has been already, I hope you'll agree! But I have one more thing to leave you with before you go...

Like the Kraken and the Great Unclean One before it, this year I have secretly been working on another special large "mini" to celebrate the blog's birthday! But you better get in quick or he'll eat all the cake!

Forge World

As always, I'll leave you with that little tease, and we'll get a closer look at this guy next week!

I hope you enjoyed The Art of Caesura's 3rd birthday party as much as I enjoyed putting it on. There is a lot of excitement ahead in 2019!

Watching: Twin Peaks - Season 2
Reading: Trollslayer - William King
Listening: Realmslayer - David Guymer
Jamming: Mad World - Gary Jules

Next Week:

My, what a large mouth you have...


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