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"Another Prestigious Cabinet" - Display Cabinet

Your art
is not about how many people
like your work
your art
is about
if your heart likes your work
if your soul likes your work
it's about how honest
you are with yourself
and you
must never
trade honesty
with relatability

Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur

Heyo Friendlies and Welcome to the Art of Caesura!

So, I've returned from my holi-me-days on the West Coast of Canada and am back to the old grind (well, the "new" grind really, as I've moved and started a new job!) 

On our way back from the airport we stopped at Ikea and...I picked up a display cabinet for my miniatures!!

I've always found it a bit deflating spending hours on a beautiful (or gruesome) model only to then put it in a big cardboard box on top of a closet in the spare room rarely to be seen again. 

For the past few years my wonderful wife has wanted to get me a nice display case, but because we're moving so frequently for work it's never been the right time. So I jumped the gun and got a relatively inexpensive one for now. I still need to get some lights for the inside. 

Displaying one's models may not seem like a big deal, but it is for me. For the past few years that I've really been getting into the painting, I've been living in places that don't really have a FLGS or much of a community for miniature painting. After having been in the hobby for over 20 years, I'm only recently coming out of the "hobby closet" and showing people my stuff. So it's a big step to go from keeping this hobby a secret, to literally putting it on display in the living room!

For now I just loosely grouped some of my faves (and some that show-off a bit of diversity) in little bunches around each other. On the top shelf we've got the big eye-catching guys: The Maw-krusha surrounded by some Brutes, The Great Unclean One, The Warboss on Wyvern and lurking in the back The Hungering Darkness (Mourngul), front and center is my head-swapped Knight Questor - and although he's the smallest, his metallics really make him stand out. 

Down a shelf and we have Conan dudes over to the right, Silver Tower villains on the left, and a growing collection of World of Smog curiosities.

The third shelf down still has a little room, but so far presents the Gentlemen of The World of Smog, the Heroes of the Silver Tower, a few Lord of the Rings characters.

On the ground floor, I have The Kraken emerging from the black depths. It was funny finding his purple tentacle again because I've been playing the remastered version of Day of the Tentacle. Keeping the Kraken company are some of my Malifaux and Warhammer 40K minis (sorry for the blurriness of the photo). 

Significantly, I haven't included any of the World of Smog busts and there are a few others who haven't made the cut - but my plan is not to over clutter it and keep it fresh by changing things around frequently. 

Let me know if there are any that you've seen on The Art of Caesura that you think I am remiss not to have included. See you next week!

Gaming: Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Reading: A Gentleman in Moscow

Next Week:

The Three Peaks of Annascaul...


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