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"Gusting Winds and Eldritch Lightening" - Knight Incantor (WiP)

The Knight-Incantor is a gifted stormcaller, able to summon
hurricane winds and gales of mystical energy. 
Those who ignite a Knight-Incantor’s wrath
 soon find themselves battling against a living tempest.

- Games Workshop

It's getting windy out there, so bundle in here to The Art of Caesura!

That was fun doing Blood Bowl over the past month - and I still haven't even started painting a full team yet! I do have the Dark Elf team undercoated though, and while I was showing off the bases, you may have noticed a sneak peak at some big guys that will be barreling their way on to my painting table at some point (if they pass their Very Stupid roll that is). Anyway we'll set Blood Bowl aside for now and venture back into the Mortal Realms.

I have only painted 2 Stormcast Eternals (the poster-boys for Age of Sigmar), one was the Knight Questor from Silver Tower, and the other was the free Liberator that came with the first "Getting Started" magazine (can't believe that I painted those 2 years ago!). Well, now I'll be increasing that output by a third!

Stormcast Eternal

I'm a real sucker for those "Getting Started" magazines (I even got the 40k one!) - I just think it's an amazing deal to get a magazine (that, while basic, is genuinely interesting and well put together) and a great miniature (in this case a special character) all for like 7 euro!

Stormcast Eternal

Anyway, false economies aside, this is a great mini. He's got marvelous movement, even if he could have benefited from a crazy Einstein-esque hairdo like his Nightvault vis-a-vis to add to the sense of motion. He does kind of look like he's examining his glove really intensely, but when you see the stones rising from the floor, you get a better idea of the narrative. 

Stormcast Eternal

Today I'll focus mostly on building his base, and next week we'll talk about painting him and have a look at the finished product. 

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

Having completed my ten Kharadron Arkanauts the other month, I had a good idea of how I was going to do his base. I used the exact same technique, which I'll summarize here, but if you'd like more detail, pop back to this post

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

Because his base is a bit bigger than the Arkanauts', I had more room to work with. I found two stones to make a henge, and chose rocks without too much texture so as to better match the levitating stones.

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

I glued the rocks to the base with a glue gun, glued the levitating stones to the rock with superglue, sculpted the waves out of Milliput and then undercoated the lot with Imperial Primer. 

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

The only thing I really did differently from last time was that I had learned from my mistakes and streamlined the way I painted the rocks. I based them with Steel Legion Drab, washed them with Reikland Fleshshade, and then highlighted them with Steel Legion with more and more Ushabti Bone added. Much easier than the Skrag Brown mess I got myself in last time!

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

I painted the water the exact same way as last time, but this time as the cherry on top, I painted the gloss varnish up the stones a ways before flicking it over the top of the stones. 

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

Stormcast Eternal

If I do say so myself, I think it turned out even better than last time! Stay tuned next week when we unveil proper pictures of the finished model here on The Art of Caesura!

Watching: Dark (watch this show now!)
Gaming: Guitarsmith 2014

Next Week:

The colour of the storm...


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